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About Hirru

  • Title
    Jade Hunter
  • Birthday 09/01/1991

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    Solo Player
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  1. So.. I don't know what's worse.. Having finished off Gemini rather quickly, or the fact that I have over 10 posts of filler story to put in.

    Good thing I made Hirru's past memories a thing..

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Azide


      @Red_Rose - It's never actually been possible for anything to do 0 damage per hit, so perhaps that was just an oversight. That being said, it wasn't uncommon for people's combat healing to replenish any health they'd lose by the end of the turn.

    3. Red_Rose


      Lol.. That was the gamble :)

    4. Red_Rose


      @Azide Maybe. Im not sure how her character worked. I know she was spear and shield, and that she was a tank. I would ask but like I said she hasn't been on in a while. Ive also seen alot of high dps characters that just decimated the Gemini. And then there were a bunch that never finished the fight.

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