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About Cyrus

  • Birthday 02/14/1995

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  1. Just trying to figure out some things on your template. Great work by the way. But I'm trying to get a gif to sit where the character image is and have the stats overlay. Any tips? Videos?
  2. I was wondering if you could help me with something for my signature. @Takao
  3. Cyrus


    Roleplays Completed RP [4/9 SP]: Meeting Kiso [+1 SP +200Col] Blacksmithing Skill [+2 Sp +200 Col] Claiming the Katana Skill [+1 Sp +200Col] Open RP: Coming soon Closed RP: Meeting Airi Getting Kiso a Skill Relationships: Coming Soon Story Thus Far Coming Soon
  4. Cyrus


    Profile » Username: Cyrus » Real name: Cyrus Silverra » Age: 20 » Gender: Male » Height: 5'10" About: History/personality This is not a story of a shut-in NEET. Just a guy that had a passion... Cyrus grew up in America where he spent most of his life until recently. Throughout high school his love for video games and anime grew. The addiction to video games had always been a part of his life. But then he was introduced to anime and a piece of Japanese culture by his best friend in his Junior year. This was when his second addiction manifested. By the time he was a senior he had even
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