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Hajime Arisato

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Everything posted by Hajime Arisato

  1. About Me. Real Name: Xane Kirigiri In SAO name: Hajime Virtues Calm: He won't freak out under pressure and is easily able to assess a situation. Understanding: He looks at all things from the perspective of the others around him. Flaws Cowardly: Is known to avoid fighting head on, giving him a shameful name around SAO. Swindler: If he doesn't care about you or your safety, he'll charm you out of your loot and make off like a bandit.
  2. Yo, New here so I'm probably going to do bad.

    1. Takao


      Hey, welcome! Don't be afraid to ask questions if you need help!

    2. Hajime Arisato

      Hajime Arisato

      Heh, I'm just going to take it slow to start.

    3. Grave


      If you want, you can drop me a message and RP with me ^^ I'm not really new as such, but my other character died, so I had to make a new xD

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