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  1. Glory!

    1. Glory


      stop being adorable and post. is secretly excited to thread with you again



    2. Koumori


      Hahaha. You don't have to hide it!

  2. why did i decide to become a tailor when everyone else is too


    darn my character's choices

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Blue


      I did it so I can earn money.

    3. Hirru


      I'll tell you right now..


    4. Glory


      gotta get that cash money, yo. 


      sun praisin' ere-day! ;) Hirru practically keeps the sun in the sky

  3. Back on the site. Can you handle my return?



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Beoreson


      Pft. I'm paranoid, ask Blue. I'm never safe.

    3. Jomei


      Nope. ._. 

    4. Koumori


      Yes, yes I can. (Fashionably late to post on this, but I don't care)

  4. ...3 more days... :D

    1. Erroneous


      You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?

    2. Glory


      You shouldn't have done that >.>

  5. "link from zelda looks like robin hood if he were in a play about being dumb." - a guy with sunglasses


    1. Hirru
    2. Glory


      xD Love it. Thank you for feeding my Zelda binge.

  6. signs can't tell me what to do





  7. Glory nearly ran to Jevi's shop when she got the message saying her sword was good and ready, not being able to wait and see what the weapon looked like. She was polite though and stepped into the shop normally giddily jumping up and down at the counter as she clapped. "Thanks Jevi! This sword is just what I imagined it would be. You're an amazing shugo tenshi! See you later then. Thanks again." Glory waved and accepted the sword into her inventory ready to leave but not before smiling softly in Jevi's direction in true admiration for the woman.
  8. back on the site and will be posting in the next 12 hours :D :D

  9. sometimes i like to steal other peoples' scabs.

    1. Takao
    2. Starrine


      I actually started laughing really hard at this... x'D

    3. Glory
  10. i splashed root beer in my face to wake myself up. next time i'll be sure to use water.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Glory


      xD sounds fun but the ouch factor is real. at my friend's house i take so many spit-takes it's unreal but i've never had a drink go through my nose. 

      except for that one time when i snorted chocolate milk all over that poor girl at lunch

    3. Koumori


      That's not the most idea way to wake yourself up. It's too sticky yuck

    4. Glory


      i was too lazy to get up and in the middle of resident evil with a buddy hehe. no time to think just do.

  11. if someone takes earning a living with me i'll give them nothing in return a special prize. anyone wanna help me out?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Glory


      woop woop. i'll take that as a yes :)

    3. Vasth


      Sure is a Yes

    4. Vasth


      just send me a PM when u want

  12. When life gives you lemons, call them yellow oranges and sell them for twice the price.

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. Glory


      dear lord don't even let me think about that situation Takao.

    3. Takao


      think about it. dream about it. embrace it.

    4. Vasth


      0-0 a bit intense 

  13. Glory felt like all the shops she visited were too busy so she asked around for one that was new and many NPC's along with people pointed her to "Amorous Armors and Armaments" which was definitely a shop Glory hadn't explored or heard of so far. When she walked in Glory already had her payment thought out and ran up excitedly to the counter when she noticed that the shop owner was none other than her guardian angel. "Jevi! I didn't know you had a shop." She filled out an order and gave it to the woman quickly. "I hope you don't mind that I'm paying in materials but I have a lot. Thanks!" Glory
  14. finally back home to posting. anyone who wants to RP ask me, and anyone who i owe a reply will get one tonight.

  15. staring at the dominos pizza tracker while waiting for a huge order is painful.

    1. Mack


      I, too, have known the pain of which you speak. Stay strong, delicious rewards are for those who finish this fight with NOM-NOM destiny.

    2. Glory


      Mack you give me the strength to carry on <3 it's out for delivery tho so like i'mma be the happiest person alive here soon.

    3. Mack


      Soon, you shall feast upon extravagant cheese and topping covered deliciousness! LIVE THE DREAM!

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