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  1. She gripped her order form, knowing of the blacksmith on Floor 5. She entered the teleporter on floor 2, and shouted out, "Teleport! Floor 5!" She wandered over to the shop she had heard about, and entered. She would give the girl some mats, as she hadn't much col. She walked closer and smiled at the girl, "I'm Kitty, and I would like to place an order!" She set the paper alongside her 6 mats on the counter. -6 mats Name: Bloodrend Profession: Blacksmith Rank: 3 ID: (Leave Blank) Roll: (Leave Blank) Quality: Perfect Item Type: One-handed Dagger Enhancements: +2 Bleed, +1 Damage Description: A
  2. Handsome Ginger <3 I love you~

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      I disagree, it is a pain >.<

    3. Kitty


      @Tristan Delaney Its still gorgeous no matter what

    4. Endilix


      I'm confused if we're talking about actual irl Tristan or Tristan the character at this point. Or both? But if it's Tristan the character, I have to agree. His hair is gorgeous.

  3. Heading to bed! Yeah... I sleep. Life has been hectic, and the weekend is almost here! That means I should get quite a lot of roleplaying done! Stupid College and Work >.>

    1. Kalesh


      G'night Kit-Kat :P

  4. What should I eat for lunch???

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mack


      But, how would she do that? We learn from The Matrix that there is no spoon.

    3. Hirru


      Trust your instincts

    4. Mack


      Why trust instincts when you can trust the Force?

  5. Anyone want to roleplay on ALO?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kitty


      Alright! Would you like to set it up, or should I?

    3. Grave


      I guess I'll set it up later ^^ Unless you want it up ASAP XD

    4. Kitty


      haha, I don't care. I just got tons of muse for Undine Kitty :3

  6. People really need to clean out their inbox... *Tries to send a message.... Can't because their inbox is full*

  7. I like my anime self, more than my real self x3

    1. Miriko
    2. Vasth


      AYE AYE :D

      KUPO >.o

    3. Thorrissia


      I don't have an anime self T0T I am stuck being me. 

  8. Name: Sadie Pines Username: Kitty Gender: Female Height: 5' 4" Weight: 143 lbs. Age: 21 Birthday: August 7th Personality: From growing up in a rich family, you would expect her to be a full on snob. However, Sadie is far from being the snob that everyone assumes she is. She was raised without any 'real parents'. Her parents were always busy, never staying around long enough to ask her how her day was. This made Sadie mature in ways that were never expected in someone at her age. She grew up a klutz, and is still marked by her klutzy nature. However, she never let that put her down! She became
  9. Alright! Made the alt account, time to get that journal made ;) Guess who!

    1. Show previous comments  36 more
    2. Zelrius


      You will find that statement is wrong :3

    3. Thorrissia


      Zel please, I am RNGesus. I am never wrong. 

    4. Kitty


      You don't have to handle me at all ;)

      I think your little bby can manage on her own 

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