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About Rose

  • Birthday 02/18/2001

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  • Location
    Gravity Falls
  • Interests
    Music, singing, writing, doll making and sewing, Roleplaying, Videogames

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  1. Hey! I'm alive! Sorry for the long hiatus XD

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Rose


      Could you start it please?

    3. Helios


      Sure, no problem

    4. Rose


      Alright, thank you 

  2. Hello SAO!


    Im back, after a very long hiatus XD

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. evac


      The thread should be called three blondes and a red panda

    3. Rose



      You know that's not a bad idea

      And I haven't heard of it, but it sounds fun.

    4. evac
  3. Night SAO! I'll see you all in the morning! :3

  4. Just posted my first roleplay thread on here, sorry it's a bit depressing but I wanted to create a reaction that I deemed would be fitting gir a 14 girk who just relized that they where trapped in a game without there parents to guide them. It seemed appropriate. 


    Im not really sure what to actually use this for though, I mean, I understand the concept of it, you use this to update stuff, but I'm not really sure what to actually update.

    Maybe I'll just use this as a mini story teller where I can post mini stories I write, that would be fun....

    1. Takao


      The most practical way to use it would be looking for roleplay, I think. Otherwise it's just kind of a goofy fun thing you can do whatever with.

    2. Rose


      Ah, that makes sense. Thank you :)

  5. Rose

    Rose's journal

    http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=87315564 Profile Username: Rose Real name: Jemma Anderson Age: 14 Gender: female Height: 5 feet About: History/personality Rose was born in Florida but moved with her family to Oregon at age five. She lived in a house that her father had bought in a well liked neighborhood and had bought her the Nerve Gear and SAO for her 14 birthday, the next day she played it and that was the day where everyone had become trapped. Rose, in real life, has a rare syndrome called golden Har which causes some of her features to not develop, such
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