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    Somewhere...Perhaps behind you?
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    Studying the life of average people in Sword Art Online, including you, because you are reading my interests. That's what average people do. XD

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  1. I may be joining again! (As a new and final character) Can anyone give me a rundown of anything that has changed recently(last 6 months) Plz and thanks? Or maybe just link me? Much appreciated.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Beoreson


      *Fades Away* *AWOL intensifies*

    3. Alex
    4. Rain


      Dead people everyone. Some miraculously revived. Zandra became the 1st to hit Grandmaster on any profession. Moar dead people. There's Monthly bosses - for newbies. Bi annual bosses for the big kids. Staff coming and going. there's gonna be an update on the combat system... hopefully soon. More unique skills will be available when what's her face shows up since people dieded or lost them. I think that's about it.

  2. Hmmm....

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Alex


      Okay! See yah Zeke!

    3. Rain


      Cal's still around. Manta and Ebony are dead - PKed - but he's still around on other alts.

    4. Alex


      Yah... Thanks Rain.

  3. Okay, anyone in the Kansa/Missouri Kansas City area going to the parade tomorrow?????? 

  4. I would come back to the site, if only I had the time to do so  :(


  5. So Regionals is this Saturday. I figured I'd need some encouragement, so stopped here to get some XD

    1. Azide


      Good luck, Alex!

    2. Koumori


      You can do it! You've proven yourself before dude

    3. Alex


      :)    Thanks guys.

  6. until

    so ummmm................
  7. Remember when everyone was like, #cheriforGM2016???

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Alex


      Oh that's what it was XD what happened to that/????

    3. Kiru


      #KiruForSiteOverlord2k15 ;}

    4. Alex
  8. So real quick question-Mainly to Erroneous and Shark, but to all staff to- How did you guys get this many visitors????? And get this many members? Like, do you guys know how I can get  more members on my forum?????? Thanks.

    1. Ssendom


      The way we get more members. Is by being Filthy Elitsts [Azure Pride]

    2. Alex


      Umm... what does that mean?>>

  9. Yah I got the meaning of your gif @Takao. took the the status down sorry. :P

  10. until

    Three more days hipee

    1. Zeke


      Bet you look great with it.

    2. Alex
  12. until

  13. Still pretty messed up, will not respond for a bit still. I got to be the school's mascot today though(at the football game), but it was smelly, too big, sweaty, and never been cleaned. But it was ok...... But the sweat was horrible. Oh my god. Anyways, I will keep trying to tred on. LONG LIVE SAO, LONG LIVE ALEX

  14. I am going through rough times... Please do not expect me to reply within the next few days.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Alex


      Thanks bro.

    3. Mack


      Don't worry, you'll get through it all just fine.

    4. Alex
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