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Everything posted by Abalasster

  1. I hope everyone is having a good day ^_^

  2. Are Open threads dead? All I can see are Solo threads and Private threads, but Very, Very, limited Open threads. And it makes me wonder why? I believe that open threads are fantastic. It can pull an entire group of random people together and create something beautiful. The first thread that I ever jumped into was an Open thread and it was the best time I've had on this website. I wish more of these threads would pop up, (And that the ones that do pop up don't have 17 or more posts already)

    Open thread example: 


    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Abalasster


      That is very true. I never considered that one

      And yeah, 17+ is a lot. I think 10 would be the cap for me. I'm just a nostalgic freak yearning for a repetition of that first thread I joined

    3. Lee


      I know by personal experiences that OP threads are more of a risk due to the fact that its hard to tell who is going to be around or not in terms of continued posting.

    4. Zandra


      @Lee like a thread we was in together not that long ago? ;)

  3. What'd I miss?

    1. Hirru


      Far too much to explain

    2. Abalasster


      Oh damn, best i better get reading

  4. For everyone that I'm in a thread with, I'm sorry for my inactivity. I've had a pretty hectic past few weeks. I've been busy practicing for my audition for the school musical (I auditioned for Grimsby in The Little Mermaid). On top of that I got Bronchitis and i'm still fighting it. On the bright side, I got the part :D. I'll be commenting after I catch up with my english  

    1. Macradon


      That doesn't sound too good, keep on fighting! 
      And grats about that, hope you're proud!

  5. What's the point in living when Enemy at the GAtes has been removed from Netflix. Bye Joseph Fiennes :'(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Abalasster


      This has officially blown my mind :D

    3. Shizuka


      Yup. It sure is deep eh?

    4. Abalasster


      Oh for sure. Hats off to you and the author. 

  6. I'd like to say I'm soory to the people that are in threads with me. I suffer from a major lack of creative writing. But, I'm back, I hope... 

  7. My friend, It would seem that you haven't made a Journal. That's kinda one of the essentials. I'm not saying this to be mean, just trying to make sure you don't get banned. If you need help, check out myself, the journal guide or ask an admin.

        Best of luck, 


    1. evac


      Thank you peeps! Yall are so nice!

    2. Abalasster


      We are a great community, I will say that. I will be retiring to slumber soon, but a great person to consult about Journal's is our amazing Mod Takao. Best of luck to you and you writing adventures. Plotting that back story feels like a Rp within itself. Looking forward to Rping with you.


  8. I've seen people gain some much Sp in the week that I've been back. I'm just sitting here like "How they do dis?" Is it quest spam, having a quadrillion threads active or dishonesty?

    1. Ebony


      The first two for me. I've been doing every quest I can, and all the threads people will do with me. XD 

    2. Rag


      Same as Ebony. 

    3. Abalasster


      Alrighty then, guess i have to spam quests.

      and other threads

  9. That moment when you see someone with the same picture as you...

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Abalasster


      Yeah. Its gotten harder for the poor guys. Leveling isn't the same as it once was

    3. Emerath


      Well, the good thing about the way that SAO-RP works is that you don't need to do combat to level. Social RPs work just as well, though it does take more of them. And you can always just do SP material gathering if you're willing to grind it out. So it's not impossible, just has to be done differently than people used to.

    4. Opal


      I come from a forum where SPs were the main way to gain power and it was not post count for rewards but rather word count. 7500 words a thread for minimal rewards. Word grinding is way different than post grinding. Safe to say, I enjoy this place x100 more than the other. haha, but without the former, I may still be in the lower teen levels. 

  10. So, I'm currently bored. Anyone up for a rp? I need to be cured of my acute boredom.

    1. Tenshi


      Not able to take a thread rn but I'm down for doing one with you tomorrow if you'd like

    2. Shizua


      Sure, I'm up for it. What type? Fighting or character interaction?

    3. Abalasster


      I'm down with it guys

  11. Hello everyone, new and old. I'm back. I had to but this down for a bit because of the cruel mistress know as school. However, i'm learning to balance this and that. I'm going to clean some things up and i should be back into full swing. Thanks for being an awesome community. 

    1. Calrex


      Don't think we've ever RPed together before, but nonetheless welcome back!

    2. Abalasster


      Thank you. It feels good to be back.

  12. That moment when you are waiting for people to post and have nothing else to do 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Abalasster


      I usually result to smite, until people tell me i'm playing Loki "wrong"...

    3. Shirosu


      srry Koumori OTL so. many. rps, to, respond to haha

    4. Koumori


      Hahaha it's alright Shirosu no need to feel bad  take your time

      *cries in corner

  13. If anyone would happen to have left over items that they don't want, Could you please donate/sell them to me. That way, i can get to the appropriate level to sell mats. Thanks  

  14. Black= Initial text Red=Events during and after exile Profile Username: Abalasster Real name: Edward Stratton Age: 20 Gender: Male Height: 1.78 meters Weight: 57 Kg Sexuality: Straight Nationality: Canadian (Stark Islander Accent) History: Abalasster or Edward, however you refer to him, has lead and continues to lead an average life. He was born in Newfoundland, Canada .He belong to a family of 5, containing his parents Raymond and Sarah Stratton, his 13 year old sister, Elizabeth and his 1 year old brother Levi. Edward, attending
  15. So, just picked this up while browsing the Web.  Let's see where this goes :D

    1. Mack


      Welcome to the board!

    2. Abalasster


      Ah, thank you sir. I look forward to the long haul

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