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  1. To character or not to character. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Opal


      Trying to steal my man, Hirru! Fighting words! Put up your dukes! 

    3. Lindow


      I can swing both ways. 

    4. Xion


      character please...I miss ya ._.

  2. 0391V9n.jpg

    Starter Gear for GGO. Still undecided on weapons until I see what will be released.

    1. Calrex


      The return of Lindow is nigh! XD 

    2. Beoreson


      *The day GGO is released Beoreson disappears from Aincrad* JK.

  3. Since GGO is kinda on standby...Was thinking about moving Lindow to ALO. -Strokes chin- I dont wanna waste a perfectly awesome character.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lindow


      I am sure someone might pick it up someday. :) Salamander Lindow anyone?


    3. Calrex


      Lindow's coming back?! Yay! XD

    4. Lindow


      Mhm, possibly to ALO if the GGO doesnt pan out. Still deciding on race. Pictures always come first. xp

  4. -Haunts the forums- OoooOooooOooooo~~~

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    2. Lindow


      =O Not my shop!!!

    3. Hirru


      You don't need to worry.  The fish need a new home, anyway!

    4. Abalasster


      Back from  the dead we see? Well, at least in spirit, that is

  5. Rest in Peace Lindow. [Killed by Spiders, but we'll say he fought to protect the people of SnowFrost] -sniff sniff-

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. Calrex


      Dangit after the training I gave you? XD also darn I can't believe the one day I'm on I miss this XP.

      RIP man, you can be sure you're death won't be in vain. 

    3. Mack


      We are having a funeral for him, you're welcome to join Calrex.

    4. Calrex


      Lol sure thing XD

  6. So I figured out how to convert .mesh files into .obj for Daz...Now, the question is...What swords do I want for my character. @_@ 

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    2. Carambit


      Well, I use an autodesk product called Maya to create 3d models for games. Then I sell those assets to companies etc. Currently making about 500 bucks a fortnight off of just that. But Autodesk do make other programs such as revit, CAD, etc.

    3. Daeimos


      Yeah I remember a few programs in the Autodesk files, I took Cad, Revit and another class when I went to ITT.

    4. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      I dabbled in 3D but mostly from a design and technology perspective such as making a squat rack with autodesk inventor so I knew how to make it and what materials.

      I very often lose staff members when I talk math for the system...

  7. A Fisherman is born! 

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    2. Zeke


      I just don't see a way out of recovering from one bad catch, so, who knows? ^^

    3. Lindow


      @Zeke: Patience is a necessity when catching fish IRL. Once you get a whopper of a fish though, you'll be amazed at the rewarding experience and the delicious meal later. 

      @Xion: Thank you, but I got dis. ;)

    4. Calrex


      Congrats! Yay a fisherman within SAO once again!

  8. Notice: Non Lecherous older male seeking company of players for adventure. Requirements: Fun.

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    2. Lindow


      That would be great. Any ideas for a starter or I can think of something. 

    3. Calrex


      I've got a couple of other threads going, plus my brain's kinda burnt out at the moment, so I shall leave it to you XD. ust PM me the link once it's up and we can get it going!

    4. Lindow


      Sounds like a good idea. I shall have something soonish. 

  9. Profile Username: Lindow Real name: Gordon Shaw Age: 48 Gender: Male Height: 6’6’’ About: History/personality Deputy Chief Gordon Shaw is a police officer for the San Francisco Police Department; he is Deputy Chief of Special Operations, mainly SWAT. Serving fifteen years on the force has become a rewarding experience and has given him a wonderful family. A loving wife, Crystal, and a sixteen year old rebellious daughter named Jasmine. While the experience of saving lives has been rewarding, there have been many close calls in the past few years especially after the recent terrorist strike
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