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About Shirosu

  • Birthday 01/28/1999

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    Meowing, books, art......

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  1. Well then another one of those "i've been stalking the form" posts xD expect maybe to see me doing some solo rps soon! going to try and get back into the swing of things, i've had a longggg break and would really enjoy coming back!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Vigilon


      Just let me know whenever you're up to RP. Life may be catching up to me slightly, but I'll be sure to get back on my feet soon! ...Hopefully.

    3. Kaiida


      If you're happy to RP with a newbie :)

    4. Shirosu


      Ty so much for all the offers guys! i figure ill probably only be able to handle 2 threads or so at a time with others but I'm super appreciative of all this <3

  2. Yikes I've been gone along time XD was just popping in to see how the old site was doing, I never seem to have enough time to get into rp anymore, 

    1. Vale


      Well, if you happen to want to make a return and can find time. We would love to have you back Shirosu. :3

    2. Hirru


      There is always time to make a comeback

    3. Hikoru


      ^ What they said

  3. OTL SP threads are such a chore haha, they take a lot of effort, and for one measly sp, *sigh*

    1. Morgenstern


      well if you want to do an PP I am always up for one

    2. Xion


      that's why you only make Quest threads SPs, because then you can blast your way through them and get a ton of SP. Good way to power level in a sense. 

  4. stupid Shiro question of the day!

    can you do threads soly hunting for a dungeon, and if you fail, (which is very probable) close it and search for another?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Baldur


      Yes. But people usually just post a place holder like he shows in the newbie guide

    3. Shirosu


      thank you haha, sorry to get annoying ( I was gone for sometime) but do you have to roll on the the 20th post for the dungeon, or could you roll past that?

    4. Baldur


      Only on the 20th

  5. Hey there! SO im not exactly new, but i've been away for a long while and would love someone to RP with to get back into the swing of things, Anyone interested?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Seul



      Do you wanna make the thread?

    3. Shirosu


      Sure, Just about a random meeting or??


    4. Seul


      It can be whatever.

  6. hesitantly says hi for the first time in like 9 months

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Takao
    3. Shirosu
    4. Opal


      Oh you have missed a lot of juicy stuff. 

  7. 0-0 my god, s*** just got real in the boss room, good luck guy, dont die on me

    1. Teayre


      I hold no promises *starts planning out next character*

    2. Zelrius


      I will kill them so that they all Die :3

  8. I'm here to apologize for my brief absence, life got a touch hectic, and i'm as sick as a dog(yeah colds) i will do my best to get around a post on stuff so please bear with me OTL

    1. Seul


      I'll never forgive you. :I




      Even though we don't have any threads together-

    2. Kalesh


      Best of luck getting better! :O Chicken noodle soup and ginger ale! It's the only solution!!

  9. Odd question with Shirosu time second edition!

    does anyone else have a backup character in mind incase the unthinkable happens and you die (le gasp) i know, i know, its odd, but in the corner of my mind i tend to have back up ideas incase i do something stupid XD

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Takao


      I'd probably make a goof-around character and mainly focus on PST stuff if Takao died.

    3. Opal


      If I lose Opal...after doing ALL THAT WORK. Much crying will be done. In either case, I am going to play it safe after what happened to Lindow. 

    4. Lee


      I'm actually not sure. I kinda put everything into Lee in terms of character deveolpment. 
      I'm sure that if I thought about it right now and actually went ahead and made the character and found the pictures and all that good jazz........still on the fence if I'd make someone else though I'd lean toward neh

  10. guess I can't take back stupidly spent SP huh? OTL

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Endilix


      Well, if you still plan on leveling your sword, then I don't think it was a waste.

    3. Kalesh


      From what you describe that's actually a good investment unless you wanted a different type of sword or something. Boosting your base damage is always good! If it's about that +5 HP then have you done The Traveler? :P

    4. Shirosu


      im setting up a thread for that with Mack, and possibly a few other crimson blades for that soon :)

  11. Well i almost had a heart attack and had to take an unforeseen dip in the pool today OTL turns out my dog paisley, a fat old collie, fell in the pool, i'm not sure how long she was in there, thankfully she pulled herself up on the cover, it's literally 7 degrees celsius here and i was afraid she'd have hypothermia, thank goodness for lifeguard training, i hopped in and got her out with my sister and she's fine now, but sheesh, warning to all dog owners with pools that don't have steps, keep an eye on your furry friends, drowning is a horrible way to go. 

    1. Kalesh


      Thank goodness you got 'em! :O Must have been quite the shock @_@ One of the many reasons I never liked the idea of getting a house with a pool. I just don't trust it not to use its powers for evil!

    2. Macradon


      I know the feeling of cold water. I'm a winter swimmer :P

  12. Guess who's the ultimate clutz! I am! i was doing ultimate frisbee in gym (yeah gym!) and went all out all game, cause half of my team did nothing OTL, anyways, i survived, but as im walking back from the field, i step in a hole and roll my ankle, crack sound and everything. like i didn't even do it when i was running around like a maniac, just when i'm freakin walking OTL, that and i was teaching Dance classes tonight, so yeah, just needed a little vent XD any ways, will try to reply to as many RPS as i can tomorrow! bed time for meh.

  13. Yusss! finally found Shiro's theme song OTL after looking for so long


    1. Koumori


      Nice song! Good choice for Shirosu (although it could use some more jokes hehe)

      oh and it looks like I picked the right nickname too. Well I guess Shiro would be the obvious choice lol

  14. until

    All deh special beating people to a pulp powers! all of dem!
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