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Posts posted by Erro

  1. Erro walked around the town of beginnings thinking about professions. Which one would he choose? There were so many possibilities. As he was thinking he had forgotten to look in front of him and walked directly into the front facing wall of an npc shop. Falling backwards he tries to figure out what happened. Realizing what he had done he looks up to see what he had run into. 

    A blacksmiths! Of course! Erro always loved weapons. He was a man of blades and thought that the best part of any mmo was your arsenal. Nothing more sacred to the character and nothing speaks more volumes as to the characters personality. He walks in to the blacksmiths store and addresses the npc. "Excuse me sir but I would like to become a blacksmith. Could I perhaps train under you?" The man answered. "I could always use help with the forge. But I need you to retrieve some items first."

  2. Profile
    Username: Erro
    Real name: James Quincy-Oswalde
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Height: 6'2"

    About: History/personality

    Erro was born in reality as James Quincy-Oswalde. He lived a fairly normal life until at the age of six his parents were killed, Orphaning him and his four sisters. The five children went to live with their aunt who had to work first and second shift to make enough money to support all six of them. Because of this James and his twin sister were pretty much responsible for raising their younger siblings. As a stress reliever James picked up role playing video games under the username Erro. After months of saving up he was finally able to afford a copy of SAO. After joining  and realizing that he was trapped he felt a combination of happiness and guilt. Because while he found an escape from his difficult life, he knew that his aunt and sisters need him. 


    Kind Hearted/Sympathetic: Always having been the charitable type. Erro cares for everyone and puts others self interests before his own. A bleeding heart he feels morally obliged to help when he can. Emotionally unable to neglect the needy. This is most likely due to his caring for his younger sisters. 

    Smart: Erro is an intellectual and thinks that he is fairly intelligent. A natural plan maker and leader he is comfortable with giving commands. He feels that his brains often goes unused and under appreciated. He does however try to utilize it as much as possible. He is fascinated by SAO's economy.

    Loyal: Erro is trusting and loyal to a fault to those he calls friends. However those who stand in his way or the way of his comrades he shows no mercy to. Preferring to work with a group a group of close allies rather than alone. He develops close bonds with those he allies himself with and would die for them.


    Over-Protective: Erro often is too quick to put himself in danger or spend resources for other people. Always wanting to be the hero and help those in distress. He is too afraid of being responsible for others death. This fear motivates him to constantly assist people in matters completely unrelated to himself.

    Overzealous: Erro wants to do everything even if he can't. He's so worried about completing everything that he wants to do he forgets about the things he needs to do. He's constantly afraid of missing out on something. He prefers to be consistently multitasking and hates distractions. 

    Indecisive: Erro has trouble making decisions and often hesitates. Often petrified wondering what the right choice is. Deathly afraid of letting people down or making mistakes. This fear causes him to often take a back seat to avoid responsibility.


    Weapon skills:
    One-Handed Curved Sword: Rank 1 - Novice

    Total SP: 2

    SP Available: 0

    SP Spent: 2

    »Basic one-handed curved sword

    »Cloth clothing

    »Beginner's Pack [10 bread, 15 water]

    Col / Transactions




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