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About Aetharan

  • Birthday 10/02/1984

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  1. Months away from the game, not exactly intentional, and now I am completely lost.

    1. Hirru


      What would you like to know?

  2. Stupid question:  I've been treating 'crafting day' as 'full day IRL', but if one is feeling too blah to post, or doesn't get the chance on any given day, can those missed attempts be used the following day?

    1. Kalesh


      To my knowledge, you don't stack previous days at all.

    2. Aetharan


      Gotcha.  Use or lose it is.

    3. Opal


      Missing days isnt the problem...cause once you run out of mats, its time go out hunting for more. And once your rank is high enough 10 crafts in day, if you chose to do all of them...You'll be running out of mats in a blink of an eye.

  3. Because somebody brought it up, I finally sat down and forced myself to crank out a sketch.  I hope it's anime-esque enough not to be breaking the rules for avatars.

  4. You've gotten to level ten in four days sir. I feel like you deserve a gold star or a cookie or at least a certificate or something. Good job o.o *claps*  Yer gonna be fighting that level 11 boss in no time, huh? xD

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Aetharan


      I think I'm technically stuck until I can get a mod to lock the last one, or I'd suggest that Aeth needs to sit down and have a drink or seventy with somebody before he goes back to soloing.  xD

    3. Takao


      I don't usually read too many other roleplays unless I'm involved in them, but you made me all curious too. now i also must commence the thread stalking

    4. Aetharan


      Commentary on how I can make the writing style more entertaining would be appreciated, while you guys are stalking.  If he's going to be the next mayor of the loony bin, I can at least strive to make the citizenry chuckle.

  5. Profile Username: Aetharan Real name: Aaron Smith Age: 30 Gender: Male Height: 5'8" About: Physical Parameters: Aaron is of roughly average, if not slightly below-average height, and has always been thin. At the time that he put on his VR gear to enter SAO, he weighed 115 lbs, so it's difficult to find fat anywhere on his body. He has sharply-defined, slightly angular features, with a strong nose and chin. Eyes have always been listed as 'hazel' on official forms, but a close enough inspection reveals the iris to be effectively a dark brown disc with the outer half of its radius irregularl
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