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About Opal

  • Birthday October 31

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  1. Y’all can’t let a ghost rest, huh?

  2. *Stalks you and makes eerie ghost noises*

    1. Calrex
    2. Baldur


      :O I had just gone to see when you were last online, too <_<

    1. Macradon



    2. Baldur


      RIP. Baldur will go pour some Sake on the monument of life for her. Maybe that's how I'll start my new thread

  3. I had left the site altogether due to inactivity on my own personal problems IRL. Life got stressed hardcore for me and I just couldnt handle 'the grind' while maintaining a high level character while making things fun for myself. At the time, I thought my Opal had a good run with her story and I tried to kill her off as a means of moving on from her story. But with that came much regret, not that I have enjoyed my time with the alts I created in the meantime. However, nothing has been able to fill that void so to speak. I have been gone roughly 3 months, it hasnt actually been that long I thi
  4. Will make note that Opal is not sending out PMs when I tag you in my final thread. Thats Opal just getting things off her chest and saying goodbye in a way she doesnt need to confront you. Sorry for the confusion. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Opal


      :D Lol. Yeah. I'll probably do some edits when I get around to it. 

    3. Baldur
    4. Hikoru


      *follows thread and watches with popcorn* This should be good ^-^

  5. Hey. Im back from my vacation. So I'll be getting back to posts on Monday. kthxbai

    1. Itzal


      Nice to see you again ^^   How was your vacation?

  6. OLD: ID: Familiar Jaken [ 58314 ] LD: 19 +5 [3 Search&Detect] 2 [Equipment] = 24 Enchanted Familiar found Item: Familiar Name: Jaken Enchant: Accurate (+1 Accuracy) NEW: ID: 58314 LD: 19 +5 [3 Search&Detect] 2 [Equipment] = 24 Enchanted Familiar found Item: Familiar Name: Jaken Enchant: Fighter [T2] (Rank 1)
  7. Has anyone been investing in the Picking Skill? I wouldnt mind nabbing one of those higher up Treasure Boxes, would love a new unique enchanted weapon. So perhaps I can offer a trade of services. PM me if you have a good skill set for finding and dismantling chests! 

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Rin


      I'm up for it.

    3. Opal


      There is a chance I wont be rping tonight. Im gonna be out clubbing with my girlfriends and more than likely be heavily intoxicated so i can get this done and situated Monday night after work. I'll PM you both and we can get the plot handled in the convo. 

    4. Domarus


      If it's possible for me to join a thread shooting for a chest please let me know.  I need col asap

  8. I will open myself up to a new RP thread if anyone is interested. However, I will be rather particular who I take up on this. But if interested, let me know via PM. Posting here is not necessary. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Calrex


      Why am I in the corner?! I'm freaking strapping a GoPro to both of you XD

      Why am I in the corner?! I'm freaking strapping a GoPro to both of you XD

    3. Esther


      A part of me wants to say yes, because I am interested in your RP style, another part of me is like "eh" since it looks as though our characters just wouldn't RP well together.

    4. Lycan


      I'm always down. My feminine counterpart as well.

  9. Not sure if anyone saw, but since there will be a split with ALO and GGO from SAO, a few others and myself will be redeveloping ALO from the ground up. So if anyone is interested in the development of the new ALO section, let me know via skype. Send me a PM with your contact and I'll get you situated when I get home from work. Thanks!  

    1. Baldur


      Oooh, nice! Good luck!

  10. My body is back from vacation. hurrah. My mind is still there though. haha. 

    1. Opal


      If I am missing any replies for someone, let me know. :) 

    2. Cygnus


      Welcome back! I'll be getting to our thread soon.

    3. Nova
  11. I will not be adding or posting in threads until after July 10th. I'll be going on vacation starting on the 2nd and will be gone for around a week. Which means, I will also not participate in the upcoming raid. (Yeah, good luck with that guys Muwahahaha). Anyways, I just wanted to let you all know I am taking a small vacation for July 4th so I will have little to no activity. For those in threads with me will need to show patience. Thanks.   

  12. I was out partying last night, so i'll have replies after work tonight. 

    1. Ather


      Woo! Party Hardy! \o/

  13. Little worn out tonight. So only got a post done, will be back to it after work tomorrow night! 

  14. I am letting Opal out of her cage, with the current ban on PKing and me being strictly a PKer who will kill NPCs, I wanna get some plot going for Laughing Coffin. So if anyone would be interested in taking a purely Plot story driven Thread with my Laughing Coffin, hit me up! I have tons of ideas for fun for everyone of any Level Group. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Opal


      I actually passed on that idea to Lawfer last night @Xion If you wanna plan something with the KoTB and get a story with that going, it will be pretty awesome. 

    3. Zandra


      Im gonna hunt you down and...


      Ask if you want to hang out for a drink. Hot and wet have turned pretty old by now(my fault I know >.>)


    4. Kiru


      PM me if you're interested in having Kiru as a rival in the plot (but not killing her because yennow, no killing ;))

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