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  1. Been a busy past few days. Moving sucks, but at least I'll have home internet soon! No more of this posting at work crap. I'll try to get a response out two out today.

  2. Another busy day at work so I wasnt able to post anything. :/ I have tomorrow off though, so see you all again then with actual posting action!

  3. Busy few days at work. Hopefully I'll be able to post more today!

  4. Back at work, so back to posting between clients. #1 employee right here.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Leon010


      I would like to purchase a 10,000,000 col life insurance plan

    3. Lowenthal


      All I do at work is SAO

    4. Shard


      The Col to IRL exchange rate is pretty steep right now. Something like 1 Col will get you about .0001 monopoly money, which converts to something like a few cents. I'll get in touch with your people.

  5. Going to be away from the PC for the rest of the weekend, so I'll see you all again on Monday. Peace out SAO'ers.

  6. Moving Day! Back to regular posting this weekend!

  7. One More Unto The Breech

  8. This is Rust. This game makes me laugh.
  9. Pancake powa. Take what I got. Take it all. I can make more batter in the morning.
  10. What can I say, I like Japan. BusanKevin Also, anime reviews! GRArkada I have more, but I wont make a mega-list like Erron. :p
  11. Best syrup? MAPLE SYRUP. *waves tiny Canadian flag*
  12. That's pretty much all an anime needs now days to be successful! *Misses the good old days*
  13. Heh, like I said in the chat, you speak english like a champ. Much much better then me trying to speak Italian, let me tell you. :p Also- Mmmmmmmm, Gelato.
  14. Don't you mean Strawberry filled Ci- *gets hit in the balls and dragged away*
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