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  1. Almost done. Should be back to posting by tmrw. Miss you guys all so much

    1. Takao


      lookin' forward to it!

  2. Hey guys. Sorry ive been absent the last couple of days. Im having the worst period ive had in a while. Ill be back up in shape soon. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Red_Rose


      It hurts 。・゚゚*(>д<)*゚゚・。

    3. Shirosu


      ;n; I cry for you, i hope the little devil goes away soon. Best of luck


    4. Teayre
  3. Hey Guys. Sorry bout my absence. Work has been kicking my butt lately. But all most done for the week. VIVA LOS WEEKEND!


    1. Zelrius


      Roger. When you get the chance, PM me

    2. Takao


      No worries! Hopefully things ease up for you soon.

  4. Red's eyes widened as Jevi removed the gauntlet from the display case and brought it over. When she had been asked to gather the item she had had no idea what it would look like, but seeing it now was amazing. As the item was brought closer she pulled open her appraisal skill to see the stats of the item. Sure enough it matched her needs perfectly. It was glorious in its own right. The single gauntlet alone offered 6 points of regeneration, Which in an item was almost unheard of. She had also been told that there was an entire set, and each piece did the same thing. Regardless this was an item
  5. Red entered the forge with her mind set. She had been asked by a friend to track down a very special Item. A heavy armor Gauntlet that would grant the user incredible regenerative properties. he had been to several shops today, and so far no one had what she was looking for. It seemed more and more that this item would go unfound for the time being. Amorous Armors and Armaments was the last shop of the day, and from what Red had heard, the Smith working here was of a lower level. This of course gave her reservations about whether or not she would find it here or not. She sighed before smiling
  6. HEATHCLIFF AND KIRITO LIED. Dual wielding was used by more than one player

    1. Red_Rose
    2. Calrex


      I think this discussion had taken place in the past XD. In any case replied to it!

  7. until

    Has fingers crossed for shield combat. SHIELD BASH FOR THE WIN XD
  8. So are the knights of blood oath no longer running? If thats the case anyone want to help me recreate them? I have a great set of ideas and would love to see them up and running.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Lowenthal


      I bet he used Cheat Engine

    3. Red_Rose


      or the Konami Code

      ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A

    4. Azide


      This is my new headcanon.

  9. So... If my Mitigation is 6 does that mean a mob needs to do 7 damage to hurt me or do they have a minimum damage that they do regardless of what mitigation is?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kalesh


      Keep in mind that if it crits, your mitigation fails ;) at 10 = -3hp for you!

    3. Red_Rose


      this is true.. but if I hit with a snake bite I win in 1 hit :) Its a gamble but could be Hilarious

    4. Kalesh


      Quick! Exploit it before they fix it!!.... and then spend the 19 other posts dinking around I guess xD

  10. Ok so I just started so I want to ask a question. So if I have Rank 1 in a weapon skill, rather than doing the 2 damage (1 base + 1 Level) I now do the 1 damage, but have access to the sword arts for that level?

    1. Hirru


      No, you still do 2 damage as your base damage is 1, and your rank 1 weapon skill with give you another point.

      And yes, you do have access to the first tier sword arts.

  11. WOOOO.. Approved.... *JOYGASM*...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Red_Rose


      Lol your Mobs might be too big for me.


      If your character can handle a foul mouthed noob Im sure they could get a drink together. I could start a thread that takes place immediately after she finishes her first hunt. She would be a little more confident in her own abilities and might be a little loud. He could possibly tell her off for being too confident?

    3. Zelrius


      You will see. Write the thread, I think you will see how my character's personality is.

    4. Red_Rose


      There ya go. Its nothing too fancy n doesn't need to be too long.


  12. Can hardly wait to get started. I am practically vibrating here. :)

    1. Show previous comments  61 more
    2. Blue


      And a whole conversation starts without me.

    3. Koumori


      Wait...does your mom watch it with you O.O

      Haha sorry blue

    4. Grave


      No, I told her about the roast XD

  13. Username: Red_Rose Title: The Queen of Thorns Guild: The Crimson Blades Real name: Lilliana (Lily) Clark Age: 21 Gender: Female Height: 5'2" Appearance: Lily is your typical average girl, at least appearance wise. She has long blonde hair, usually worn down or loosely tied into a pony tail. For Japan it is considered to be a rare hair color achieved only by bleaching ones own hair to a golden color, but given that she is American it's not so uncommon for After that She has pretty green eyes that people have often said are her most noticeable trait. In fact the green is so pronounced that it i
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