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    Gaming, RPG's (Both PnP & Video games), Computers, Writing, Reading (Fantasy & Sci Fic), Drawing.

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  1. Can anyone help me to make a permanent Signature to my file? I have tried to do the research on this board. But it is very confusing.. any and all assistance is great appreciated. I am trying make my profile to be inline with the site's guidelines and wishes. Thank you in advance.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Macradon


      What kind of files are you using? Because you just have to enter eg. an image at the signature spot located in your settings.

    3. Sutiru


      I am working with Gimp and translating Paintshop Pro files. But they are not ready yet.

      As I said, it is the coding I am asking help on. Like how did you know about the eg. command? And is there a page where all that info is located so I can print it out?

      I have been searching the net, this site and even the parent site's base..trying to find and FAQ or something that explains how this site works. Because it does not follow standard BBcode that I know, from what I can see. It looks like it using CSS (Cascading Sheets Software) programming to me. And even thou I have a book on that subject, I do not know it yet.

      Thank you in advance for your help.


    4. Macradon


      I'm not the greatest programmer so I'll have to pass, even though there id a bit of BBcoding in it. Like the image command is just the standard [img'][/img'] with out the ' of course. But sorry that I can't help you any further.

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