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    Awesome Town
  • Interests
    Being too cool for my own good, KIRU<3, Jomei's jail pics, girls, serial killers, Hollywood Undead, and myself ;3

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  1. Your profile pic tho xD At least now Mack isn't so intimidating.

  2. until

    because there's always that 1 review by a troll
  3. Iolite

    A man and his pole? ...Sounds like that'll be an interesting thread ;3

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      Dear me, we do have an unrestricted section for 18+ roleplay xD

    3. Koumori


      Yeah if he's doing that he might like some privacy 

    4. Lee


      What a man does with his rod is his own business!
      You have to keep it maintained and well polished so that its always ready for that special one that comes along!


  4. Anyone need a new thread? cause i'm lonely and could use a rp buddy pls

  5. New sword arts are baws, bruh. Shout out to everyone that worked on it~ <3

    1. Jomei


      Wasnt a fan of having to downgrade some skills.. and technically drop a bunch of levels.. but i guess it doesn't really matter, its all cool.

    2. Iolite


      OH! Yeah that must stink xD but I don't have to do anything soo... :3 Need a hug from a fangirl, Jomei?

    3. Jomei


      Sorry, I don't know who you are >3> 

  6. Iolite

    Iolite's Journal

    ROLEPLAYS » [private] Piera and Jomei // Scouting - in progress» [open] Open // An Idol is Reborn! - in progress » [private] Eulalia // Dystopia - in progress» [solo] Pastels - in progress» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)
  7. Iolite

    Iolite's Journal

    SKILLS 0 SP 5 SP used 0 SP unused ►Two-Handed Assault Spear: Rank 1 (+1 Damage) Passive The effectiveness with which a player can use two-handed piercing type polearms. AVAILABLE SWORD ARTS (I) Sonic Charge - 1x1 & AOE - A forward thrust which explodes energy at the end of the move. (I) Twin Thrust - 2x1 & Stun - Two forward thrusts aimed at the neck and knees. {LOCKED} TOTAL STATISTICS ~1 Energy ~2 Damage
  8. (•_•)

    <)   )╯

     /    \

    'Cause I just wanna look good for you


    <(   (>

     /    \

    good for you


    <)   (>

    /    \



    <)   (>

    /    \


  9. I O L I T E PROFILE Username - Iolite Real Name - Ilya (Илья) Nikitichna (Никитична) Aleksandrov (Александров) Age - 20 years Gender - Male (Transgender Female) Height - 5'11" // 155.7 cm Sexuality - Panromantic Homosexual Ethnicity/Nationality - Russian ABOUT History - VIRTUES Social Butterfly - Ilya loves meeting new people, making conversation, and analyzing the behavior of others. He'll be noticeably more interested in people who are attractive, or different from the rest in his eyes. If he's ignoring you and paying attention to someone else it's not because Ilya doesn't like you, you've
  10. :O Wowza, Opal is a babe~ <3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Koumori


      It's okay Kiru, it's okay

    3. Kiru


      !! OKAYY! -trashhhh

    4. Koumori


      I don't know you yet cut me some slack here

      (we're being very aggressive to each other right now)

  11. Zel take me to prom pls


    The Carmine

    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. Kiru


      youll b jellyyy of me!!!1! SWAG QUEEENN


      obvi im the middle duh


    3. Iolite


      i'm always jejjjealous of THE KIRU! cause u be too amazeballs for me too handle sometimez. my role model is u babe.

      >3> i just like the attention, zel. 

      in da back, shouting Hollywood Undead <3 <3 dis be me

    4. Kiru


      BTTR B TRUUUUU!!!1! 2much4u lelz

      HU MY frand luvs them!! 

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