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  1. Mack's New title: Cat-Man-Do

  2. Hmm Will ALO have a guild Section?

    1. Mack


      We're two of the only approved Cait Sith at the moment. If you start a thread, I'll jump on in... though Mack has no magic at the moment since I need to level to raise my intelligence score so I can use Fireball :)

    2. Feitya


      Well I've head to the desert where I just meat the out of place Grave. A strange wanderer in a strange place~ Free to join us though.

  3. Russia has started to bomb Crimea with new tech stealth jets; prepare yourselves for Cold War 2: Electric Espionage~

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Koumori


      Why don't you just jump on into SAO as well? That way you don't have to wait XD

    3. Feitya


      I should but the new system update scares me, I've read over the sword arts and while they look cool I'm gonna have to take a while to learn them


    4. Koumori


      They are pretty daunting but you can totally avoid them :D! Just make a thread where all the characters do is talk or explore. If there's no combat you can just have fun and not worry about the changes (and not have to wait as long either haha)

  4. The magic system in ALO seems a bit undefined, what does it cost to Cast a spell, What Magic Type level do you need to be to cast the different Tiers, Do you level magic the same way as a weapon, Can you only level ether Your Magic Skill or Your Weapon Skill per Thread? These are the big questions X~X

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Feitya


      Ah-ha I see, well that's fine, it was more of a passing question for the future, as if it's anything like the other magics you wont even be able to get a pet until 10 int to use Charm. Might not be the case, and seeing as it's basically a thing that all Cait Sith have a pet it would be weird to not be able to get one from level 1, but balance is balance.

    3. Zelrius


      Aye, Anyhow, Are you interested in a ALO RP?

    4. Feitya


      Unfortunately today was just character building, as I have to Hop on wow for the night and painfully learn how to play a different spec for my warlock for my raid team Q.Q


      But feel free to invite me to one and I'll get back to you later tomorrow when I wake up~

  5. SAO and ALO rpg, I'm new, and plan on Hamming it up in ALO here soon~ Pleased to Nyameet you~ ... I should avoid bad cat based puns huh?

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Lily


      This Undine is about to turn you into an ice statue. *snaps fingers*

    3. Hirru


      Let's actually settle this in the forum, and not in the status comments..

    4. Kitty


      You better watch your tail little kitten~

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