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Posts posted by VanillaLyle

  1. Username:VanillaLyle
    Real name: Lyle Vazihel
    Current Relationship:


    Before he was immersed by the game SAO, Lyle was an efficient and friendly high school student that was finishing up his third year. He was apart of the archery club, where he placed in his region, and the cos playing club, because he was dragged in by the girl he liked. He was always friendly, kind and if people needed help, he'd be there in times of need. I guess you could call Lyle one of those types of people that always wears a smile. However that smile is just a coat of paint he puts on, and like children at a puppet theater, they don't see the stress that he actually goes through. As a kid, Lyle lost his family to a tragic accident in the city 7 years ago that was caused by a non-working traffic light that lit all lights green thus having everyone going at once. His parents and his younger sister died that day and the accident scared him with a terrifying amount memory loss from half his childhood. Having precious memories being lost forever is like thinking back into an empty void, you cant remember anything as if nothing even happened, and sometimes he questions himself thinking if he even had a family.

    Yet even 7 years later he can barely remember where they were driving from but anything else before he awoke in the hospital was invisible and wouldn't reveal itself to him. To get his mind off of his past, his friend showed him an vrmmorpg called "Sword Art Online" and he found the concept of no magic and bows interesting. So when the date came to purchase the nerve gear and his copy of SAO, he wasted no time coming home and setting everything up. It took him about 45minutes to set up everything and read the instructions so when the time came to finally enter the world of Sword Art Online, he layed upon his bed and closed his eyes, anticipating his new adventure.




    Independent- After having to look out for himself for seven years, hes developed his skill of being independent but at the same time still be able to

    depend on his friends when the need arises as well as them depending on his.

    Loyal-Since Lyle started high school, hes help out those who had the will to be helped, and even if they were sick, Lyle would come
    over and help them out with things they needed.

    Non-Biased-He tries to see both sides of the situation before himselfs or others make a judgement because he believes that

    even if you have a view other something you think is wrong, that doesn't mean that to other people its wrong and you can't base your decision to be the automatic right one.

    Lewd- Theres no helping it, hes just one of those people who make perverted jokes sometimes,hes just been hanging out with the

    cos players club too much and hes been around a couple of his immature classmates when they're having their discussions.

    Profession: Currently None





    Weapon skills:
    »One Handed Rapier Rank 1 (5 points)





    » Starter Pack
    » One Handed Rapier (Equipped)
    »  Shirt, Pants, Boots, Gloves, Belt (Equipped0
    » 10 Bread/15 Water

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)


    HydraTal- His Brother's Friend

    Story Thus Far


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