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  1. Hello everyone, I'm afraid it happened again, the computer acted up and I couldn't get on. Fortunately, I'm back! 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Toothpick


      I can't say no, now can I? All Toothpick has to do is stay spry with the forfeit. 

    3. Zelrius


      I was just kidding Tooth xD, I could accidentally kill you through Overhealth

    4. Toothpick


      Aww come on, and here I was thinking you had ploy to kill Toothpick, you tease. :P 

  2. 'God of the Swamp'

    What the-

    Who gave King K Rool wings? 

    And why?

    1. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      The internet, because why not? Probably drank a puddle of Red Bull.

    2. Toothpick


      Of course it was the internet, damn them and their antics. 

      And it was probably an ocean, this is the internet after all. 

  3. Movie night has started ahead of time, so I'll be posting on the rest of my threads on a delay. 


    Sorry about that :[ 

  4. Home is where the Recent Status Feeds are. 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Toothpick


      My, my, I still spy someone who dares say I!


      Tis I! 

    3. Fourgotten


      You are entertaining. I say that with admiration.

    4. Toothpick


      Thine appraise please he who spies with his little eye.

  5. Hey! I'm sorry for all those whom I was RPing with, or the Low Levels unite thing(unsure of how that played out, just got online), My computer farted and I had no other way of getting online easily. As you can imagine, that pretty much put a halt to my RPing in general, but thanks to the grace of (god?) I now have access to(you guessed it) a computer! Hopfully the hole I left behind was readily filled, but regardless, I am now off to read whats "new", so to speak. I hope we can enjoy each other once again! 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Toothpick


      Yep! Also, I've posted! 




      Try not to get a BD 1 again :P 

    3. Azide


      Aw man, the hype train has returned!

    4. Toothpick


      So it seems? Didn't know I generated hype.  

  6. If you've recently joined, and want to climb that SP chain, look no further! 



    1. Azide


      Join Toothpick guys. He's the real deal.

    2. Toothpick


      I can only hope :) 

  7. Its Showtime, and I'm looking for a fellow actor.

    Anyone up for the part? 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Toothpick


      Ah, nope, only metaphors here comrade.

      And thanks for the complement man, I do my best. Though, if you like my style, I think my starting city post came out better....though.....it might just be the sexy Times New Roman. I'm sure if I used Comic Sans I would have an entirely different effect on you. :P 

    3. Azide


      I'll give it a read later, but I really enjoyed how vivid your descriptions are. Your writing has a certain personality about it, and it's a really refreshing thing to see. But yes, Times New Roman is pro.

    4. Toothpick


      I'm glad to be a source of pleasure, hopefully I can keep it up. But yeah, Times New Roman is up there with Papyrus when it comes to being professional, kek. 



  8. Username: Toothpick Real name: Peter Smith Age: 18 Gender: Male Height: 5;11 History: Peter Smith, a lower classed, African-American, high-school student who, if he tried, could date his family tree-line back to not only the slave trade, but to a long-past African tribe whose culture is lost to a wave of modern-age industrialism. While his home-city, or better said, the neighborhood he came from needs not be named, it should be known that Peter was truly at the bottom end of the "Opportunity Gap" which had been detailed upon far before it's nation-wide recognition
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