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About Mythic

  • Birthday July 5

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  1. A couple of things!

    First, I'm sorry for not being active in the whopping one roleplay I'm in right now. Work is killing me. :(

    Second, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed tickets went on sale today if for some reason someone didn't know about that. Not like it's all over Facebook or anything like that. 


  2. Picture of the day! This is the largest and most expensive aircraft I've worked on. It's also the newest aircraft in the fleet at just five weeks old. This is a 787-900 Dreamliner. This one has been flying between LA and Denver for awhile now, but they're planning on using this bird to fly to Auckland, New Zealand and Sydney, Australia next year. (After they make sure it'll actually make the trip across the ocean that is.) This flight was kind of emotional for me, I played the role of Final Marshaller on pushback. Basically what that means is I hold the aircraft until crew and equipment is clear from the path of travel, then I salute the Captain off. The salute is pretty important in aviation, it's considered bad luck if it isn't performed and a plane won't move until it's given, but I digress. I had the cheesiest grin after saluting the aircraft off, you probably could have seen it a mile away. It's hard and very dangerous work, but I love what I do. 


    1. Zelrius


      I myself have seen that beauty in Denver a few times. Congratulations man! Glad to see you found a career that you love.

    2. Hirru


      So beautiful; so majestic!

  3. I never expected to find myself sharing much from the real world, but I got a pretty awesome picture at work. So here you guys go.


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Calrex
    3. Dracul


      well at least you didn't reacted like this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ui0S-zIIt0U

      a bit old but still funny.

    4. Mythic


      That's adorable. 

  4. Profile Username: Mythic Real name: Ryan Lugar Age: 23 Gender: Male Height: 6’0” About: History/personality Ryan grew up in a middle class suburb with his younger sister, Rayde. His father was a paramedic and his mother was a nurse. Ryan’s parents always inspired him to do the best he can to help someone in need despite the fact that they always came home exhausted. In school, Ryan was a loner. He didn’t really fit into the different cliques which was perfectly fine with him. Ryan made a few friends defending students from bullies in middle and high school, most times he would only need to ta
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