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About Macradon

  • Title
    Imperial Topaz
  • Birthday 05/11/1997

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  • Guild Name
    Solo Player
  • Position
    Commander of the Vanguard

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  1. Macradon sighed in relief as he saw the bear would tumble to the ground and shatter on death. They had defeated the foe, they had cleared the 28th floor and the 29th was open for them to venture into. The Imperial Topaz sheathed his sword and stretched his body after the exhilarating fight, it had been quite the experience getting to see such a formidable tank just face every danger straight on, while also dying, but not actually. There was so much to unpack, there was so much to think about, but that was of no concern for the knight as he accepted the raid loot and turned away from the entran
  2. Mewy kwismas!


  3. Macradon looked frantically from side to side, it was buzzing all around him, and he just didn’t keep up with everything. His mind wasn’t fast enough, so much was going on. He sighed after all the rallying and shouting, and just went in. He lowered himself and got ready for an attack, a quick uppercut towards the ursine threat would be enough to leave a small dent into its massive hull of a health bar. They were getting close, victory could be tasted in the air, they just had to push it the last stretch, less than half a health bar left, they could do this, they could finish it off here and n
  4. The dust had just riled up, the frontlines rallied at the fall of Freyd, the warriors of Aincrad stormed the front, leaving no death as mere meaningless sacrifices, this one had to count, this one mattered. As if the frontlines weren’t already sprouting flurry of attacks one after another with lethal and murderous intent, the onslaught kept on pouring forward, attacks after attacks, strike after strike. Then out of a sudden, another attack Macradon had not anticipated appeared. An apparition of Freyd’s last will manifested and struck upon the Ursine threat, the murderer! But wait! It wasn
  5. ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ Giving that wretched thing a huge bear hug didn’t seem like it was actually what they needed to do to succeed. The bear merely stood up on its hind legs and emitted what seemed like a wail that would encompass the entire arena, screeching as if it tried to madden the entire frontlines with its bickering. Macradon would brace himself to accept the sonic barrage heading his way, everyone else seemed to brace as well as it charged up its wail, but just before it let out the sound of madness, Macradon thought “That won’t do, I can’t just … parry air .. I know it!” he said and lowered
  6. Whatever these thorny brambles were, they seemed to … heal the bear. “Hey, that’s not fair! Only players should be able to heal mid battle!” he called out in a sarcastic but still shocked tone towards the ursine threat. He slung his sword over his shoulder and got into a lower stance, trying to see a line he could dart through and engage in combat again after the bear’s antics were set in motion. After Freyd’s pyrotechnics, Macradon would snicker at the doom and gloom that befell the grove of thorny protection for the bear. As Freyd would angle the bear with his grappling, Macradon took t
  7. Nearly down to the 3rd health bar, they were doing strides against the monstrosity, its health dwindling with every rotation, their tank stalwart against any opposition. No matter what, their tank would endure every hit the ursine threat posed towards them … well until that thing began to engulf their tank in such a … special way “What the fuck is that!” he murmured under his breath, trying not to break his own tempo of movement. With their tank suddenly swallowed in a sudden breath, Macradon tried to comprehend the situation, but was dumbfounded, they needed someone to take over, and it was h
  8. Three and a half health bar in, four and a half health bar left. It was going at a steady pace, and his party members were already replenishing on defensive buffs and recovering from heavy attacks. Freyd was as tenacious as they come, witty at the worst of times, steadfast when it counted, the precipes of frontline tanking. Macradon could do nothing but encourage the work Freyd was putting in, he remembered how he tanked on the frontlines himself, though only on pure numbers rather than a build. It was weird, being delegated to either tank or off-tank, but it was where he felt the most comfort
  9. Macradon would keep up the pace, going for an onslaught of attacks at near to no pause between each flurry. The party kept engaging and striking the bear like a volley of soldiers shooting through the wall. With every attack, the health bar of the bear slowly dwindled and they were approaching the halfway mark without major incident. The party’s timing with deliberating effects to the bear did not stop it in its tracks, but it did indeed keep it on its toes, despite how big it was. Fearsome sweeps were thrown at Freyd, and yet his health only took a minor dent to it. Last time Macradon had fou
  10. Two health bars down, they were doing great progress towards clearing out this bear, making sure that this supposed resting place would become its actual resting place unlike whatever corruption had taken over its horribly decaying body. Swift wide swings from the bear would deal massive amounts of damage to the tanks of the different parties, and make the tanks truly work on their health management. Macradon was glad to be in party with Freyd, his tankiness was something to aspire for, his tenacity nearly unmatched. If there was any tank Macradon would always trust upon, it would’ve been
  11. Zandra was quick to react to an opening, quickly setting up her Leadership abilities and shouting words of encouragement. And just as quickly as before, Wulfrin would take the vanguard lead to fish out any more damage or debuffs to the ursine threat. A successful hit would begin to eat away at the bear with what seemed like Poison-esque infliction and a frosty explosion that would leave the bear at a more vulnerable spot, this was the time to strike, so Macradon prepared himself and got in close. Quickly sweeping in from the side the knight would engage his sword, gripping firmly in a relaxed
  12. Eight health bars … that didn’t seem good, it was tanky, extremely tanky, but from the looks of it, the Bear’s decaying open wounds didn’t seem to be it’s defence, maybe it had no defence whatsoever. Macradon clicked his tongue and looked at the Rhino’s Horn he had applied to his weapon, only for it to maybe not really be of any use in this raid, as there was no tanky plate armour, no hardened scales, no thick hide to defend against his attacks. He would take in a deep breath and easily fight through the stench as he was aided by his Survival skill. As the parties split up, Macradon fully
  13. Buying the following items: Rhino's Horn (2.6) | | [5 Platinum] +40% PHASE on the first successful critical strike once per combat. Lasts a single thread. Stacks with existing PHASE effects present on weapon (+90%) Total: 5 Platinum
  14. Finally people began showing up, different teams were slowly gathering, it was time! Macradon would put on his game face and do a few stretches while adjusting his armour for the best combat fit. The mist from his armour cooled the air slightly, but the minute temperature difference made no actual difference to the horrid air permeating around them. He would do a few small hops and shake everything into place and get himself pumped for the fight. He would take off his sword in its scabbard and place it in front of him pointed down with both hands ready for battle, ready for war. The knight inh
  15. It took a while, but finally Macradon wasn’t alone out here in this stinking hell hole. He waved at the figure that he found somewhat familiar, it was someone from the raid meeting, he wasn’t too sure who they were, but just knew that they were in the team together. “Hi! Good to see you, seems like Team 2 are the first to begin to assemble out here.” he said to @Wulfrin with a chortle to his tone, it was weird that it took this long, the frontliners were usually there at the same time like a huge wave, but this time … it was different. Maybe it was the smell, who knew. The knight accepted the
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