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Everything posted by Macradon

  1. Smiling at the sight of someone familiar entering his shop. The small bell at the entrance ringing as the door opened would prepare him for a customer, but he had not thought that this was the person to enter his shop, it wa quite … amusing seeing this particular player coming into his shop. “At least you’re brave enough to finally step into the fields” he said with a smile as he read through his message he had just received with all the details needed for him to craft it. After accepting the 4 materials in payment, Macradon would venture down into his smithy and prepare everything to craft th
  2. Name: Verdunkelnder Jäger Your Profession: Blacksmith Your Rank: 9 ID: 90012 Roll: 11 Item Type: One-Handed Straight Sword Tier: 1 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: +3 Damage Description: A very black blade with a silver wavy stripe where the sharpen part of the blade is and two spikes on each side of the lower part of the blade is. Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1065-shop-f1the-blazing-typhoon-rank-9-master-blacksmith/?do=findComment&comment=528703
  3. After resting for a short while, a customer would come into his shop and would be noticed of their arrival with the bell ringing when the door opened. Looking over at his new customer, Macradon would smile and say “Hello and welcome to the Blazing Typhoon! I’m Macradon, your Blacksmith, and what can I do for you today?”. Listening to the man’s reply, Macradon would smile and nod “I’m thankful for their praise” he would say as humbly as he could. “A perfect Tier 1 sword should be adequate for your request” Macradon would say, looking at the payment and request filled out. He would accept 4 of t
  4. Macradon would nod and reply “Yes, really” he said it with a broad smile, seeing the happiness it induced that something actually was helping beginners out this much. He would nod at the girl with a smile, having his arms crossed after handing over the blade to her. “It was nothing, come again if you need any equipment crafted by a blacksmith, I’ll be sure to help” he said with a smile as she would exit his shop. When she had gone out of his shop, Macradon would look at this Material stocks, they were still piling up high, so that wasn’t a problem with pricing, he would keep it this way for be
  5. Name: Love Buster v.2Your Profession: BlacksmithYour Rank: 9ID: 89872Roll: 12Item Type: Two Handed Straight SwordTier: 1Quality: PerfectEnhancements: Damage IIIDescription: A two handed buster sword made with love and packed with love~Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1065-shop-f1the-blazing-typhoon-rank-9-master-blacksmith/?do=findComment&comment=528256
  6. Finishing up all of his work, Macradon would venture back up and begin to walk around with a damp cloth and cleaning up the place again, it had to be done once in awhile, and now that he had the time and energy to do it, he would. As he finished cleaning someone would enter his shop, looking at the door while wiping off the sweat from his forehead, Macradon would see that it was the man from before. “Oh hey, I have your equipment right here!” he said and would walk behind the counter to bring up the greaves. “Your payment in total is 500 Col and 4 Tier 1 Materials” he said with a smile.He woul
  7. Name: Siege-breakers Your Profession: BlacksmithYour Rank: 9ID: 89816Roll: 11Item Type: Heavy Armor - Full Plate GreavesTier: 1Quality: PerfectEnhancements: +1 Heavy Momentum, +1 Thorns, +1 Regen Description: Heavy greaves, simple and almost dull in appearance save for some runes. They are designed to help break armored opponents by enhancing momentum on strong attacks. Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1065-shop-f1the-blazing-typhoon-rank-9-master-blacksmith/?do=findComment&comment=528088
  8. Macradon would use his time to work on the crafts once again and would proceed to finish the requests he had lying around. The last request he had to make was a piece of Heavy Armor, specifically a pair of greaves. They were way more difficult to craft than the intricate wolf helmet, which was funny compared to how simplistic the greaves were. Macradon would not think much of it and would just continue craft as much as he could for today to finish the request he had. The greaves took many tried before they were made perfect as he needed, it was indeed a very difficult build, but he managed to
  9. For players unknowing of this, the boss raid is starting soon™


    1. Shi


      would you recommend that level 1 players join in. i have dual blades.

    2. Macradon


      Yeah sure, come have fun and get the last hit drop

      (In all honeste, low level players should probably not join)

  10. Name: Deathhowl BladeYour Profession: BlacksmithYour Rank: 9ID: 89661Roll: 10+1=11Item Type: 2H Straight SwordTier: 1Quality: Perfect.Enhancements: 2 ACC, 1 DMGDescription: A gleaming Kriegsmesser forged by Macradon with a howling wolf etched into the flat of the blade. This hefty two handed weapon's handle is wrapped with the rawhide pelt of a particularily vicious wolf fought by David Black. The spirit of the wolf inhabits the blade imparting accuracy and ferocity to the wielder. Not only imbued with the wolf spirit, the harrowing spirit of halloween, Jack, is also imbued into the blade as i
  11. After the small talk with his new customer, Macradon would venture back down into his smithy and work on what he had been paid for. The wolf mask. He just had to finetune what he had been doing before, but making it as perfect as possible, and with the right strikes, he managed to get it on the first try, finishing this project, now on to the next. 9 tries of crafting, yet none of them were as successful as he had hoped. He was too battered up to go on trying for now and would go up to his smithy and relax until he had the mental energy to actually finish this stuff. Crafting on the 22nd
  12. Taking a break from crafting in his smithy, Macradon would take a short rest up in his shop in his rocking chair with Balthazar the Owlbear cub on his lap. Rocking back and forth, Macradon would close his eyes and relax for a while. WIth his mind cleansed from anything, the doorbell rang as it was opened, revealing a man Macradon hadn’t seen before. “Oh hey. Welcome to the Blazing Typhoon, I’m your Blacksmith, Macradon, and what can I do for you today?” he would ask and listen to the request the man had. Looking at what he wanted, Macradon would hand over the pauldron to him as well as accepti
  13. Macradon would smile and bow his head lightly “If that’s what you wish, then it’s sold!” he said, throwing a thumbs up at the man. He would look at the man and nod at his request, he knew how important some things were when collecting materials and what significance it had. Macradon had a weapon like that as well, his Slayer of Jura, a precious weapon of his past. Macradon would shake his head at the question posed at him “Not that I’m aware off, merchants usually don’t buy anything unless it’s at a high value” he said. But that aside, Macradon would look at the requests and take the pieces of
  14. Macradon would smile and nod his head at the girl, it was nice that his work was appreciated. “It suits you” he said to the girl who seemed happy in her new attire. Looking over at Itzal, Macradon would accept the payment handed over. If it weren’t for a high level player paying for the equipment, the girl would’ve gotten a discount, but the discount is only there to help low leveled new players through the prices, so a frontliner wouldn’t really need that discount. He would bow his head lightly and accept the praise “Thanks, man” he replied and would wink with his eye. He would wave the two f
  15. I ... I never actually thought of it that way. That may just be becasue I'm living in the frontliner Bubble, not experiencing a lot of the lower floor's quarrels like that. Very interesting point ot be made. There haven't been any active in the raid meeting. I'd like to have a raid as fast as possible as well. The motivation of the frontliens is quite stagnant. I agree, a Time Skip may solve the stagnation, but all of the things that could've happen in the timeskip isn't there, and so much could've happened within the floors that were skipped. My stance for the tim
  16. He would finish off the shield, finally done with it all, it took a few hours, and the usage of materials was also great, it would probably have been lower, but because of the recent hotfix in the game, crafting had been changed slightly. He would brush off the thought and grab everything he had made, the sword in a scabbard that matched, the clothes and armor in a linen bag and the shield in his hand. He would walk up the stairs and come out of the door, walking back into his shop. “Hey Hestia, I’m done with the items” he said and would place the brown linen bag on top of the counter, as well
  17. Name: RevialYour Profession: BlacksmithYour Rank: 9ID: 89323Roll: 11Item Type: One-Handed curved swordTier: 1Quality: PerfectEnhancements: 2 x Damage, 1 x ParalyzeDescription: A black metal oxidized curved scimitar. The dark color of the blade contrast with the gold and brass hilt, shielding off for the knuckles and the front part of the hand. Two red garnets are embedded into the hilt, giving a classy prestigous feel to it. The hardwood handle is wrapped in tight purple silk, giving a comfortable feeling to the grip. Counterbalancing the tip-heavy sword is the hilt's end, ending in a flourish
  18. Macradon would continue working on the crafts, he only had one item left to craft, and it was getting difficult to really get a grasp again, it should be easier for him to make these crafts by now, but it still seemed like it took way too long before he would get anything out of it. He had one thing left, a shield. He should be more than capable of taking good care of this, he thought that at least. It took him quite a while, 7 tries to be exact. That’s a lot of tries for getting a perfect craft, especially for a Perfect item, but that’s just how it was, it took its time. Crafting on the
  19. Macradon would nod and have everything listed before him, he would grab everything needed and begin to walk towards the door behind the counter leading down into his smithy. "Please take a seat or take a stroll while I'll be crafting your equipment, it might take a while, depending on how well this goes" he would say as he went down the stairs. He would ignite the furnace, place the tier 1 materials in front of him, readying his anvil and his hammer. Starting out with something familiar, Macradon would make the sword. A curved sword, it took just 2 tries to make the desired weapon. He would co
  20. Macradon nod at the Girl’s decision, it was her gear after all. Listening to her reasoning, Macradon would come with what seemed like a clarification of a misunderstanding “It becomes more relevant in later tiers, so your Tier one equipment here isn’t gonna help you when you hit level 25, you’d have to get new gear by then” he said. “When you hit level 25, you need new gear, and that’s when Bleed will be relevant, as it scales through tier” explaining that a tier 1 weapon with bleed would be near to useless, while a Tier 2 bleed would be better “But if you want it now, I won’t stop you from do
  21. He would listen to the enhancements requested for the armoury, and Macradon would take mental notes, remembering what was needed. Damage over Time instead of Paralyze was also useful if that’s what you wanted, so Macradon wouldn’t really change any of that. Macradon understood that a Defender Familiar would be a good addition to this equipment, but that means she had to go find a familiar, which could take a while, but if Itzal is with her, Macradon wouldn’t really doubt their decisions. “Well, If I were you, I’d probably go for Mitigation on the Armor and get a damage familiar. Slap that thor
  22. Looking at the items, Macradon would think of an estimate of what time is needed. What Enhancement did they even need as well, Macradon hadn’t been told, only the visual design. “So, I’d recon I could finish them today, but I’d like to know … what kind of enhancements do you want for your items?” he would ask. He could come up with something, but he wanted her to choose her own style, what did she want. If Macradon had taken the tank route, he’d probably go with a Status and Accuracy weapon. Thorn Shield with some kind of status as well and Full Mitigation armor, probably also go for a Damage
  23. Name: Heavy Mallet Your Profession: Blacksmith Your Rank: 5 - Assistant Blacksmith ID: 39065 Roll: 11+1=12 Item Type: Tool Quality: Perfect Enhancements: +1 CD Description: A strong mallet used for blacksmithing. It's easy to work with and allows a stronger swing with more precision. To Name: Heavy Mallet Your Profession: Blacksmith Your Rank: 5 - Assistant Blacksmith ID: 39065 Roll: 11+1=12 Item Type: Tool Quality: Perfect Enhancements: Ambition Description: A strong mallet used for blacksmithing. It's easy to work with and allows a stronger swing with more precision.
  24. Macradon would quickly rip off the page with his sketches on off and begin to take notes of everything the girl wanted for her full equipment. It was a lot of details Macradon received, and it was perfect, the more specific, the easier it was to design. With every detail being mentioned, Macradon would write down, as well as making a mental note, slowly having a design being formed in his mind. When she finished with everything, Macradon would smile with a slight laugh “No problem at all, It’s fantastic having a customer who’s really specific in what they want, sometimes it ends up being extre
  25. Rocking slowly back and forth in his rocking chair, Macradon had a slow put comfortable day where he could relax for the most part. Sitting in his own thoughts, Macradon would await a customer and after some time of waiting, Macradon would finally get someone to enter his shop today. The small bell chimed as the door opened up, revealing a familiar face, and a familiar familiar that, like a lightning, flew to his shoulder, giving him a lick before it would begin to fly everywhere in his shop. Macradon would smile lightly as he would lift the sleeping Balthazar off of his lap, he would stand up
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