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Everything posted by Macradon

  1. Name: Balthazar Species: Owlbear ID: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/13613-f7-sp-an-ubearable-hunt/?do=findComment&comment=500793 LD: 18+5=23 Familiar Mastery: Accurate Post link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/13613-f7-sp-an-ubearable-hunt/?do=findComment&comment=500793 Appearance: http://imgur.com/25Vwd5U
  2. Got home from watching Assassin's Creed in the cinemas. 3/10 would not watch again.
  3. @Shizua Ready when you are

    1. Shizua


      *various cursing sounds at the forgetting to post*

    2. Macradon


      Waiting :v


  4. @Mack It was Lemon's wedding, I think it was when you started out or something. We made a joke that we would come to Lemon's wedding, just for fun, then he was like "You guys could come if you want to" AND THEN SOME DID I BELIEVE.
  5. We're like a small ... family. We have some weird members, but we all have some fun once in a while. I think we once attended another member's wedding, I couldn't attend because of the price for plane tickets from Denmark to the US, but some others probably went.
  6. Happy New Year from Danmag


  7. Aaaaaand I'm out of mats :v

    1. Hirru


      Looks like we'll need to use some +10 LD

    2. Itzal


      You can always come to my shop and buy some.  I have yet to update it but I have both T1 and 2 mats to sell right now

    3. Macradon


      Hmmm ... I'll see if I'm too lazy to go hunt for myself or not ...

  8. This job was getting repetitive … no wait, it had always been repetitive. It wasn’t like he didn’t like working as a blacksmith or anything, he enjoyed it fairly much. Even though it was the same work again and again all the time, Macradon would find a calming feeling within it all. He just had to really engage into crafting like he once did, when his shop was blooming with customers, now, he was empty in materials, not capable of crafting any single item without it. He would sigh as he used the last bunch of materials to see if he could craft anything worthwhile, but he couldn’t. Instead of t
  9. Name: Darksworn SwordYour Profession: BlacksmithYour Rank: 9ID: 72392Roll: 10+1=11Item Type: WeaponTier: 2Quality: PerfectEnhancements: 1x Paralysis, 2x BleedDescription: A dark purple sword that glows during the night where it's true powers are released. It is used to represent the less bright, venomous personality of Kasier.Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1065-shop-f1the-blazing-typhoon-rank-9-master-blacksmith/?do=findComment&comment=498042 Name: Lightsworn ArmorYour Profession: BlacksmithYour Rank: 9ID: 73531Roll: 12Item Type: ShieldTier: 2Quality: PerfectEnhancements: 3x
  10. Greeting a new customer, Macradon would bow his head slightly as he welcomed the new person with a smile and faint wave with his hand. "Hello and welcome to the Blazing Typhoon! I'm your blacksmith, Macradon, and what can I do for you today?" he would ask the man. "I'll agree to make you pay half half in Col and Materials if you're capable of that" he said to @Dominion and would look at the form he filled out. "Now, I see that you have put in T2 in your form, but I just have to make sure. It's a common mistake to do, but I just have to ask you, are you level 25 or above? Because that's the lev
  11. Name: The Painter's ToolsYour Profession: BlacksmithYour Rank: 9ID: 72283Roll: 11+1=12Item Type: ToolTier: 1Quality: PerfectEnhancements: Crafting DieDescription: A set of tools used for both crafting jewelry, trinkets and charms, as well as tools for placing and removing TattoosPost Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1065-shop-f1the-blazing-typhoon-rank-9-master-blacksmith/?do=findComment&comment=497232
  12. YES! I have now combated a very, horrible, food poisoning and is back, as healthy as ever! TIME TO REALLY POST.

    1. Zandra



    2. Baldur


      *gives you a food poisoning fist bump*

    3. Macradon


      *food poisoning fist bump*

  13. Crafting was one of Macradon’s best qualities. He was indeed a capable fighter, but crafting was probably the second half of him. He would be able to do so much more if he didn’t just go to the frontlines and fight for the people, but also served the people of Aincrad as a blacksmith. Though the frontlines had been taking a lot of time from him, he still found some free time to venture back into his shop and craft. He would be crafting as much as possible these days as it would be difficult to really get a hang of everything again right after being occupied in boss raids. He would take everyth
  14. Changes has been made regarding parties for the boss raid due to the amount of people coming to the raid. If you want to say anything, please comment or do it in the thread.

    Thank you.


    1. Hirru


      More changes have been made.  Make sure that you check the boss thread for where you are in the boss fight.

    2. Macradon
  15. Go! Fast! C'mon guys! We gotta do this!


  16. He had a lot to do, a lot. Macradon was constantly getting more and more customers, and it was slowly somewhat becoming a hassle, but it would be good for business … if you could even call it that. Macradon had near to no earnings, he always had to go look, hunt, farm for materials for his shop to stay alive. The pay that he wanted was just not cutting it. He had to find some way where he would be able to get a profit of having his shop, it just didn’t seem like there would be any real thing other than just skyrocketing the prices, which Macradon wasn't’ too fond of. At this time, he had to wo
  17. Name: Mini Memorilia SpearYour Profession: BlacksmithYour Rank: 9ID: 71814Roll: 11+1=12Item Type: Weapon - One handed Assault SpearTier: 1Quality: PerfectEnhancements: +3 DMGDescription: A trident that was said to be forged by Poseidon's ocean's crystallized metals. Was said to land hits more frequently than other weapons.Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1065-shop-f1the-blazing-typhoon-rank-9-master-blacksmith/?do=findComment&comment=497110 Name: Memorilia ArmorYour Profession: BlacksmithYour Rank: 9ID: 71818Roll: 10+1=11Item Type: Heavy ArmorTier: 1Quality: PerfectEnhancemen
  18. Though he had done a lot of work, Macradon was not done crafting yet. Two customers wanted requests, Sey was the beginner, a player who had just begun adventuring and needed gear. As Macradon the beginner discount, many beginners had begun to appear at his shop, which delighted him. He did not have too much time outside of the frontlines, so this was one of the only ways he could help beginners really getting a good foot into the world of Aincrad. The next customer was Beatbox, here for a new weapon already. It didn’t seem like he liked his old sword anymore, so Macradon would just have to mak
  19. The lack of Frontliners in the raid meeting disturbs me.

    1. Hakai


      I showed up in meeting #1. I dont really feel obligated to join #2.

    2. Macradon


      That's fair. #2 is basically just making the parties.

    3. Hakai


      I plan to participate, so if your making parties I should join then.

    4. Show next comments  78 more
  20. Name: Sanguine PlateYour Profession: BlacksmithYour Rank: 9ID: 70900Roll: 10+1=11Item Type: Heavy armor Tier: [1]Quality: PerfectEnhancements: +3 Mitigation.Description: A ruby red plate male that is generally held together through leather straps, the large red metallic plates conceal the necessary portions of the body while offering partial mobility.Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1065-shop-f1the-blazing-typhoon-rank-9-master-blacksmith/?do=findComment&comment=495176 Name: WinterthornYour Profession: BlacksmithYour Rank: 9ID: 71464Roll: 12Item Type: Weapon - One-Handed Rapier
  21. [OOC: @Sey, of course you can!] A young man would approach Macradon’s blacksmith shop with not only a request, but also a buy from the displayed weaponry he had. “Hello and welcome to the Blazing Typhoon!” Macradon would say and greet the new costumer “I’m your Blacksmith, Macradon, what can I do for you?” he would ask the boy and look at what he wanted. When Macradon looked at what he boy wanted, Macradon would make a slight grimace at him “... Are you sure you want to buy this? It’s tier two, you have to be at least level 25 to be able to use it” he would say, regarding not only the tri
  22. 11 days have past, go post :v


  23. For everyone who has placed an order in my shop, I'm sorry it's taking so long, I'll get it fixed asap :v

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