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Everything posted by Macradon

  1. Hey guys, I know I owe some of you replies, but I had some ... meh ... internet this weekend due to some complications. But I will be rolling them out now!

    1. Baldur


      Just tag whomever is next in our challenge thread :)

    2. Macradon
    3. Hirru


      He meant in the actual thread, but okay.

  2. More people had come to his blacksmith shop to grab those requests they had placed, Macradon was glad to be able to provide for them, he was willing to help as much as possible with the little free time he had at his disposal because of the frontlining he’s going through every single day. He either had to stand lead at a boss raid or look for the boss room, he had nearly no free time, but what he had he crammed into his beloved shop. This shop has been here for quite some time now, and it has slowly gained in size, Macradon was really fond of this so he really couldn’t let it die out, maybe cl
  3. I did goofed, can I reevaluate this one Name: Eris' GauntletYour Profession: BlacksmithYour Rank: 9ID: 70859Roll: 12Item Type: Heavy ArmorTier: [2]Quality: PerfectEnhancements: 54 MitigationDescription: A hardened black gauntlet that extends up to the forearm.Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1065-shop-f1the-blazing-typhoon-rank-9-master-blacksmith/?do=findComment&comment=495087 To this Name: Onyx AxeYour Profession: BlacksmithYour Rank: 9ID: 70862Roll: 12Item Type: Two Handed BattleaxeTier: [1]Quality: PerfectEnhancements: +2 Bleed, +1 ParalyzeDescription: An ebony co
  4. Happy B-Day bro!


    1. Grave


      Thank you! Bit late on my side though, it's already a day after :P

  5. Giving a small grin at Grave, Macradon would nod his head farewell “Good, we’ll need it for an event soon” he would say with a smug smile adorned upon his lips. He had plans to make the guild active again, just as Xion wanted it to be. It was true, the guild had gone stagnant since Mack disappeared. No one had the same charisma nor way of thought to keep all the events up like that. Open events where everyone could be joining. Macradon had great ideas for the upcoming times, so Grave would be a great addition to those that would be joining. As Grave left came in Kasier to pick up her item
  6. A break, yeah, Macradon needed a break. With his mallet in his hand, he would walk up the stairs, up to his shop. With his tabbard taken off and hung over the shoulder, Macradon would hear the bell ring, it was Grave. "Oh hey Grave, yeah your gauntlets are down at the forge, I'll get them for you" Macradon said as he eagerly went down the stairs to grab the gauntlets. The gauntlets were nice, quite well done and in good time. Compared to many other crafters, Macradon did a good job of getting his work done as fast as he possibly could, but sometimes his material stocks weren’t at the tops, so
  7. Boss Raid Meeting thread is now locked. In 11 days I will start up a new meeting.

    1. Morgenstern


      I'll be hopefully ready by then.... I still need to make myself some items.... I made Itzal some Which Ahem he still has not gotten. But I will be ready..... Might need someone with healing capabilities on me occasionally though.... 

    2. Itzal


      Catching up on posts, sorry XD

    3. Morgenstern


      ahem like mine XD

      I need the SP preferably before the boss fight begins XD

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  8. As Macradon was taking a break from crafting, the small bell would ring that would alert Macradon of customers entering his shop. He would quickly go up the stairs and take a look at whom it was. "Oh, hey Birdie" Macradon would say as he saw a familiar person. She would look through the arsenal of Macradon's shop of weaponry and would discover Crusader. A sword he was quite as fond off as it was one of his personal achievements in swordsmithing. He had been using that sword himself once and it was now for sale, and to know that someone he knew would buy it was a good thing. "Good you like it,
  9. Grave had decided what he wanted to pay with, which would mean the start of work, or so Macradon thought. Macradon received the payment, which in this case would be materials, which were much appreciated by the Blacksmith, as those were what he used to make stuff out of. Grave was quite surprised with the low price he was offered because of being a member of the KoB. "I'm glad that I could help, I'll message you when it's done" he would say to his fellow guild mate. Macradon wanted to help his guild as much as possible, and with the discount for Grave, the price was quite so low compared to ma
  10. Morgenstern had arrived at Macradon's shop after he had sent him a message about his requests. "Yeah, I did send you a message, and I'm glad you feel that way of your gear" he said. Macradon raised an eyebrow as Morgenstern mentioned a problem he had, but would return for a weapon later. The two would exchange for what they had made a deal about. Macradon would receive the materials and Morgenstern would get his items, a fair trade for a fair price. "Sounds pretty good, cya later" Macradon would say to the boy as they parted ways momentarily. Just as Morgenstern had been away for a short while
  11. Alright, guys. Intel has been shared, now let's discuss.

    1. Hirru


      Hirru is currently mentally drained, so my response will be after some others.

  12. Aaaaaaand the thread is up!
    Everyone is invited!


    1. Zandra


      Lets party all night looong!!!

    2. Teayre


      *spams redemption out*

  13. The boy wanted 2 perfect items, so a single perfect item was not enough, Macradon had to craft one more, so he would buckle up with a heavy sigh as he was about to use his last 10 materials in an attempt to get the items Morgenstern wanted, he did not want to say that he would be delayed any further because of Macradon’s impotence. He had to finish his job and make his customers happy, it wouldn’t be good to have a bad rumor of him having no guarantee for his customers. He would work hard, harder than ever, to make his clients get what they wanted, he didn’t want to disappoint anyone. With his
  14. Took a few hours, but the boss room has been discovered by your's truly!

    1. Itzal


      Itzal will actually be joining this meeting.  I'll post when I can ^^

    2. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Did you pm a GM? I could give it to ya but I'm on the phone at work.

      Did you pm a GM? I could give it to ya but I'm on the phone at work.

    3. Macradon


      I PM'd Mari, Takao, Zero and I don't know who else :v

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  15. The sound of a small bell would ring through the small shop as a person slightly familiar to Macradon came to the blacksmith. “Oh, hey there …” Macradon would say with a slight hesitant voice followed by “Morgenstern”. Macradon had at most seen the person thrice before, so he wasn’t too keen on who he was. Macradon would smile at the comments the man would place at him “I’m humbled to know that words has spread of me, hopefully for the good of it” he said with a smile on his lips. It was good to know that people knew him, even those that weren’t as close to him. Either be it the Beignner’s Dis
  16. @Takao, @Beatbox & @Baldur.

    Happy BURFDAY you gais!

    1. Opal


      So Members of Staff online is the new Birthday word? 

    2. Hirru
    3. Beatbox
  17. The next post I'll make in the boss raid ... the opportunity with puns ... eye don't even know where to start!

    1. Calrex


      Eye see what you did there Mac XD

    2. Itzal


      I think there should be one boss named Lord of Puns and one of the boss room effects is that everyone who posts needs to type in a pun XD

    3. Macradon


      There was a Christmas Event boss that said some puns, but with all this going on at the moment, I just have to ask ... werewolf? Therewolf!

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  18. A friend of Macradon's arrived at his shop, coming through the door leading to the shop part of his smithy. "Better late than never, amirite?" Macradon said happily to his fellow guild member. Hirru, the Jade Hunter, had ordered a single item that Macradon were to craft for him, which didn't seem to be that big of a problem, as it turned out to be easy for the Master Blacksmith. He would hand over the armor that Hirru had requested, a fine piece of armor if he could say so. "Here you go, Jade Hunter" he would say and finally hand it over. Macradon would nod as he was well aware of the need for
  19. @Baldur requested pictures from Norway. Here are the highlights of the trip http://imgur.com/a/5S8g8

    1. Hirru
    2. Macradon


      I survived the cold North, now I must post

    3. Hirru
  21. h0i gais and gals. I found some fred WiFi where I'm sheltering for this mørning, so I van sat hi to you guys. I'm in Norway, going on a trekking/survival trip, so I won't be that active. Don't worry, though, I will be attending the Boss Raid ;)

    1. Macradon


      Hehe, I'll manager.


      Btw. Good luck finding a tank for your party ...

    2. Hirru


      Takao should be able to switch parties..

      If not... Myself and Seul will be in a damage swap for a bit.



    3. Baldur


      Tell Fred WiFi I said hi! :P

      Have fun! And take pictures! I wanna see pictures when you get back.

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