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Everything posted by Macradon

  1. Oh gosh, I'm so pumped ... No, not because of the boss raid because I might actually not be attending. What I'm pumped for is my trip to Norway for a week, that's why I'm a bit concerned about the boss raid, as I might not be able to post.

    I'll be out in the wilderness without any mobile connection nor internet, so that's why I can't join the raid. But gosh darn am I pumped to see if I can live 5 days out in the wilderness!

    1. Macradon


      Those Santa Reindeer running at speeds faster that what the human brain can comprehend <,<

    2. Baldur


      ... This time of year? In Norway? I mean, i would love to go on a trip like that, but maybe not this late in the year :P

    3. Macradon


      Week 42 is the Autumn Break, so that's where we have time (some of us go to Uni and some work, so this is the perfect time to go, albeit the weather being extremely cold).

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  2. CAH-SAO-RPG in a nutshell

    @Lowenthal, Lowenthongs, and a lot of inappropriate language ...

    1. Lessa


      Those SAO cards were rotten. XD

    2. Ashrah


      What was the Alkor blank, again?

    3. Lessa


      There were a bunch of Alkor cards floating around, if I remember correctly. But the one I most appreciate was when Alkor won "most emo."

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  3. Macradon could nearly not hear anything over the sound of steel on steel, but somehow a familiar voice reached down to him. "Thanks a lot!" he would reply as he had ben praised. He smiled as he was done forging for now, walking up through the stairs to the shop area to see if any were present. He could perceive that both Lycan and Zulas had been capable of acquiring the items they had requested. With a feint smile, Macradon would look at who were here, it seemed like the redhead Domarus had just appeared again. "Good that you like it" Macradon said as Domarus donned his new armor with prestige
  4. Taking in a deep breathe after the man exited his shop. It was quite kind that he came with a gift for Macradon, but he just couldn't accept it, there really was nothing big about it. He sighed and would go down into his smithy again to finish the last pair of items. Looking over at the list of items he needed, only 2 more perfect items were needed for him to finish his requests. Aggravated, he would hammer much more wrathful with his mallet, but still trying to do it as precise and gentle as he could with this strength, but it was hard. He would go through the process with 10 whole materials
  5. Macradon would chuckle humbly as he would decline. "I am sorry to say this, but I must decline, though I am humbled and full of happiness that a customer would even go their way and hand over a gift for me. I'm very happy of the thoughts, but please, keep it yourself so you can earn something as well" Macradon would say as he would look over at his inventory. "Do not worry if all these low prices seem to be somewhat unjust for my case, but I do not need all this Col or Materials to survive, I do that myself. I have these low prices to help the people of Aincrad. To help the younger generation
  6. A heavy punch would be dealt to the wall close to Macradon. He was enraged. His crafting was going like bull****. He didn't get what he wanted, nothing more than a single Perfect item. He needed 4 more to finish all of the requests he had received. He was gritting his teeth as he would sit down in his chair, leaning slightly forward with both of his hands on his head covering his face as he rubbed himself up and down. Deep breaths would be taken as he tried to calm himself down, but it didn't seem like it would work. All the hatred he built up about himself, because of himself. He wanted to do
  7. It wasn't going great. He hadn't been able to get anything perfect yet, and that was the only things he was in need of getting done. It was hard being one of the only Blacksmiths left. Oikawa is too scary for lower leveled players to go to, Mack has been away for quite a while and he wasn't sure if there were any other Blacksmiths than those, at least he wasn't aware of anyone else. Sighing deeply as he would get the work done, he would hammer and quench all the weapons he made, but it all would be nothing of use for him to get, he didn't like this at all. "Why is it going so bad for me ..." h
  8. Nodding towards a newcomer who entered his shop, Macradon would greet him "Hello, evening and welcome to the Blazing Typhoon! What can I help you with?" Macradon asked the man entering his shop. Nodding, though a slightly tilted smile on his face "I've been taking larger orders quite some times ... but it hasn't been the best sessions the last pair of crafts. Even though I've reached Rank 9, I've been unable to actually get all orders done, but I'll get it done as fast as I possibly can" Macradon said, assuring that he will pump out as much work he could possibly endure before passing out of s

  10. He would wipe off sweat from his forehead as he had finished all the work for today, nothing of what was requested. He sighed deeply before getting up to the shop part as he heard the small bell ring. He wouldn't hesitate to get up to the shop, but he wouldn't rush either, quite exhausted by the work he had been doing down in the smithy. The bell would ring again, making Macradon think he had lost a customer because he wasn't present, but the bell would ring once again before he would get up to the door. Confused by the events that just happened, Macradon would this time rush up through the do
  11. The ring of a bell would fill the small shoppe as a young person would enter Macradon's shop. Macradon was in no shape or state to call people young, as he was relatively young compared to others he knew in game, but this person didn't seem to be the same age as Macradon, but he wouldn't bother thinking too much about that. "Hello, and welcome to the Blazing Typhoon! I'm Macradon, your Blacksmith, and what can I do for you today?" he would ask the new customer. A small envelope would be handed over and Macradon would look at the content. An amount of Col as well as a request form filled out. G
  12. He had finished the orders Hirru had placed and would begin to walk back up to the surface of his shop again. Present inside his shop was yet another customer. "Hello, and welcome to the Blazing Typhoon! I'm your blacksmith, Macradon, and what can I do for you today?" he would ask with a wide smile as he would approach the counter from the door in the back of the room. Macradon would see the wares being presented to him, as well as the Col that they costed. Nodding his head slightly, Macradon would accept the trade and greet the man farewell "Thank you a lot, and may it be on your side as well
  13. Heyo guys, i've been quite so busy this weekend, mostly because I'm teaching kids about religion and stuff each 3rd Saturday, but also because my family was hosting a remembrance day for my deceased uncle, AS WELL AS IT BEING LUNAR NEW YEAR!


    So yeah, sorry I haven't posted these last few days :P


    Ps. Happy Lunar New Year you guys <3

  14. Nodding at Hirru as the trade window opened up in front of Macradon. He would look at the payment at accept it, even though it was way overprice than he had stated. He would gladly accept it after hi recent downfall on his materials for crafting. His material hunting has fallen a bit stale as of late, not really giving out any good results. Now he had to up his farming game a bit so he could clear the floor monsters and get as many materials he needed. He remember getting something like 40 materials each session of farming he did, which was a great amount, but he had been just too lazy to actu
  15. A great work of a day was over and he had everything he needed to deliver his request that was put for him. He took in a deep breathe and would let out a long, soothing and calm sigh as he would turn off the furnace, put materials away and hang his mallet up on the wall again. He would begin to walk up the stairs to get up to the shop part of his whole blacksmith, only a few steps before he would reach the door to the shop room. As he opened, he would see a few people arriving. First was Domarus who had put an order for a two handed axe, who had actually been waiting the whole time, he would b
  16. This dreaded picture of horror was taken on 9/11, a day that only sparked a lot of people's mind, but also my mind about how horrific it all is.
  17. Happy burfday to you to, @Manta Gaul and @Hikoru!

    1. Amira


      Merci beacoup. ^~^

    2. Hikoru


      Thank you ^-^

    3. Macradon


      You're both very welcome :3

  18. C'mon @Sheeptar the Sheep KingHow long does it take to write a post?

    1. Zandra


      He have posted ;)

    2. Macradon


      He had only posted a spot holder, not a real post

    3. Zandra


      Do you understand sheep language? That maybe is like a whole post ;)

  19. Any Artisans out here who can make stuff for me?

    1. Rain


      Best be careful though. They eat up a lot of materials life crazy. I go thought 22+ every time i craft.

    2. Birdie


      Ugggh please don't remind me, I'm thinking of getting the <<Gatherer>> perk just to deal with the lack of materials. Thanks for the warning.

    3. Domarus


      I'm not one yet but I will be.

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