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Everything posted by Macradon

  1. Macradon smiled at his customer "Not a problem" he said as he would hand over the dagger to the man. The transaction would go over and acquire Macradon a bit more Col for the funds, either he was going to spend it on a lot of junk or he was going to buy a house for him to finally live in instead of constantly paying for the inn room. Macradon would smile "Yes, I will bring further your message to the guild" he said with a smile. He was probably some person who had known the guild or knew someone from the guild. Either way Macradon would bring the message to the others. "I hope you will like it
  2. Macradon would prepare his furnace. He was all out for getting at least one unique item now, and he was determined to finish his request that had been laying around in his shop. Only 2 were left, Hikoru's weapon and Manta's weapon. He was sure to finish them as soon as possible for them both to get their items. Even though Macradon had been having a lot of requests handled near instantly, this time it wasn't going great when he had a big bunch of request up his shop, he simply didn't have the time for all that. Luckily for him today, he had his crating groove going. Rank 6: 426/640 I
  3. A lot of bad things had been happening to him. His crafts weren't exceeding the normal amount of Perfect quality items he usually had, and the reign of the imaginary ghosts were taking control. It was funny calling out ghosts like this, a minor Easter egg in the system that unleashed pixel ghosts whenever a small non-fatal error occurred, even though it felt like they were all mobbing up against Macradon, like the deliberately attacked his crafts and prevented him from getting anything near perfect. Rank 6: 395/640 ID: 48752 CD: 6+1=7, Good item. +2 Exp. ID: 48753 CD: 7+1=8,
  4. Now let's see if Avarious has another "final form"

    1. Opal


      ¿Qué?! Más de 8000!

    2. Calrex
    3. Opal


      I dont even know what to say to that...

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  5. Yet another person entered his shop, it was Aikoh. The girl that had bought some items earlier from his shop. She had come for the items she requested not long ago. Macradon would nod at her as he would grab the requests she asked for while waiting for Opal to approve of his sword for her. "Here you go!" he said with a smile as the girl would try on the new items. She thanked him, and called him Macaroni. It wasn't a nickname he had been called before, the closest to that was Macaroon, which he hadn't even been called ever, but only said his name resembled. He would take a glance at his reques
  6. After his somewhat failed crafting attempts, Macradon would head back up into shop part of his smithy, up the stairs and through the door. 2 people seemed to have arrived in his shop, 2 familier people. Opal, the Vice Commander of his guild, and Volvo, a person he had just met once, also in his shop. He wold tend to the first customer arriving, Opal. "Hello, Vice Commander! I have your weapon ready" he said as he would go over and grab a long rectangular bos, red and white with gold hinges. "This should be it" he said as he would open it up for the Vice Commander to see. As he opened the box,
  7. Macradon would step back into his shop and place his items he had just made, some requests others just for show and sell. A man walked into his shop, someone he remembered seeing once. "Hello, and welcome to the Blazing Typhoon!" Macradon greeted the customer. Macradon would look at the request and think about it before he quickly went off. This would be a difficult task because of all the perfect items he hadn't made so often now and then, but hopefully he would get on to it. Rank 6: 343/640 ID: 48609 CD: 9+1=10, Rare item. +5 Exp. ID: 48610 CD: 4+1=5, Good item. +2 Exp.
  8. He went back to work, it was getting tiresome, but at least he would be able to do something. He would try today and get out a real perfect item, at least just one perfect item. He would begin the forgin, starting with turning on the furnace and getting the materials prepped and ready for the crafts. First item, finished, a perfect item. Macradon was delighted with glee, finally, a perfect item. He would keep on working with all the materials he had to work with. It was going great, some few Rare items, but also a total of 3 perfect items. Rank 6: 314/640 ID: 48548 CD: 11+1=12, Per
  9. [You didn't, hehe] A kind boy would walk into the shop, another customer. Macradon would greet him and ask for what he was in need of. The divine Chestplate that was on display was what he desired and Macradon would happily sell it to him. "That'll be 300 Col" Macradon said with a smile as the transaction would go through. Macradon would receive his Col and the costumer would receive their item, it was a fair trade. Macradon would finish the transaction off and greet his customer farewell "Thanks for stopping by the Blazing Typhoon!" he said. +300 Col - Divine Chestplate
  10. Macradon sighed, he was on the spree again, a time where he wasn't capable of crafting any perfect items. He would sit down and be slightly angry because of this. Of course he did have great items, some Uncommon and Rare items, but the real items he wanted were the perfect items. He would punch the wall for a second and then go back to his work bench, there was something wrong with his setup, optimal temperatures and heat treating wasn't done to perfection, that's why nothing was perfect. Rank 6: 270/640 ID: 48451 CD: 1+1=2, Fail. +1 Exp. ID: 48452 CD: 10+1=11, Rare item. +5
  11. I want more people to join the hunger games ;_;

    C'mon guys, just wanna see how this simulator makes things go ded. Of course no in game thing, just for fun.

    1. Opal


      Posted! Gotta show some love!

    2. Macradon
    3. Amira


      Lets get more people so that I can win this. XD

  12. More work for Macradon but it was always great to have more experience in his crafts. Even though it wasn't going great for him today, or any other day, he still went on with all the crafts. He was tired, he was working so hard but nothing really get anything. Sure Rare items were good, but he really needed those perfects for the requests. Also, he had heard that someone wanted some pretty flashy weapons. Macradon was sure to work harder tomorrow so he could get ready. Rank 6: 234/640 ID: 48400 CD: 9+1=10, Rare item. +5 Exp. ID: 48401 CD: 7+1=8, Uncommon item. +3 Exp. I
  13. Boss was slain, now we wait for its "final form"

    1. Macradon


      Well, it did have another form ... and the other angel as well.

    2. Opal


      I'm just glad...I might be able to do some damage to them. @_@ First boss fight where I actually do something other than stand around and watch others. ;_;

    3. Macradon


      Well, in the event boss fight, I missed and then it died

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  14. Macradon would smile of the sound of a customer entering his shop, it was the little girl from earlier. She had come for new gear, though for the reason Macradon wasn't sure. He would just accept it and grab the Col that she paid with. Macradon would look at the new requests which weren't that difficult. It was just 2 perfects like usual, he should be able to take care of that in no time. Or so he thought. He was a good blacksmith, no doubt, but he was also incredibly good at jinxing whatever positive he had going on. Rank 6: 206/640 ID: 48325 CD: 10+1=11, Rare item. +5 Exp. I
  15. People! Let the games begin!

    1. Zandra


      And may the odds be always in your favour!

    2. Macradon


      And no one is joining :^)

    3. Zandra


      <- Just found it. Working on it now. Btw, you should post yourself, not just filling in your name. To give an example of how the sign up would look like :)

  16. You just jelly because I look cool when I miss

  17. Another person entered his shop, this time Nixon. He came for another request, what a surprise. Macradon would take a look at the description and skim through it, it seemed reasonable enough for this so he would take it and the Col down into his smithy to work on it "Looks simple enough, I'll message you when I'm done" he would say. It was the only request present for him at the moment so it could easily be a waste to get too many perfect items right now. He would sigh as he would begin to work with the materials and heat up his furnace, place his obsidian anvil in a good spot in his smithy an
  18. Macradon saw the girl come for her items, Macradon would hand them over as the girl had already paid "You gave me a bit too much money when you paid, so here's the change" he said and handed over the last Col she paid over when coming here. "I hope you like it and will make good use of it" he said with a smile as the girl would exit his shop. He would lean back and relax and await the other customers to come and pickup their requests. Macradon would sit down in his chair and rock back and forth. +4500 Col
  19. Another day another bunch of crafts. Macradon would get to work and begin his crafting attempts. A few quick taps on the furnace would make it possible for him to craft items with his heavy mallet and his obsidian anvil. He would look at the requests he had to finish off. One item left, so Macradon just had to make that for today, hopefully actually crafting it. He would begin his crafting, insert the material into the furnace and heat it up to a good temperature, then take it out and form it, quench it and heat treat it to harden it properly. He would then finish off the piece with details an
  20. Macradon would thank Zandra for the quick brewing and would grab the potions "Thanks for the quick service!" Macradon said with a smile as he would head towards the exit of the shop. "I'll be sure to use these efficiently!" he said as he would exit the shop. He would get his stuff ready and head up to the 13th floor again, now more ready than ever to get into the boss fight, now he was a front liner, even though he was a reasonable level lower than the others, he would just suck it up and get going. With a safeguard, mitigation and damage potion, he was sure to do at least something at this ra
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