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Everything posted by Macradon

  1. A golden opportunity, an event boss. He haven't seen one of those for quite a while so he just had to participate on this one. Of all the information he had heard, he had to sign on some papers to insure that he was signed for the event. He would sign up for the event at the signup station. He saw some people there, some he had met and some he hadn't. Either way he had now signed whatever was needed for him to participate.
  2. Macradon walked into the shop he had heard about. It was an alchemist's shop, which he hadn't been in before. It was quite different from all the other shops. He was in need of a potion that would help him in battle, he would need this potion as fast as possible, but still knowing that it could take a while as he knew the potion he wanted was a perfect grade one. "Hello?" he said as he walked into the shop, he found the request template and filled it. He walked towards the counter to place the order. Name: Potion of Greater DamageItem Type: PotionQuality: PerfectEnhancements: +3 DMGDescri
  3. Anyone wanna rp?

    I'm bored :i

    1. Shizuka


      Hit me up.

      Gotta go to school though. So maybe a quest? Send me a link if u started the thread.

  4. Just joined, but already having a birthday! Congrats!

    1. Morgenstern


      I know I joined two days before my birthday! 

  5. "Thanks for coming, I'll get right away on working on your item, sir!" he would say as his customer walked out. He would notice that when he tried to do crafting he wasn't able to make a cauldron. "Huh ... let me see ..." he thought as he opened up the help menu and would look into the area for crafting. That was were he found out that he wasn't able to make tools yet. He would put the materials away and pm the man to come and get his mats again as Macradon wasn't able to make something out of it.
  6. "Oh sure, I can make this one, if you could pay beforehand it would go a lot faster because I'm short on mats at the moment. You can also choose to pay later, but I'll have to take a run for some mats then" he would say with a smile as he accepted the form. Creating the item would not be difficult at all, it was just the time he had to put into it before he would get the item he wanted. Sometimes he was lucky to get the craft right off the bat and sometimes he had to try so many more times.
  7. Sometimes when I follow a thread, when I reload the page it says I haven't followed, which annoys me when there are several threads I'm following. Is it an amount of threads you can follow or just a bug?

  8. Finally cleaned up all my stuff and finished making my logs!!!

  9. Beware, cyclists! I have received my driver's license!!! 

  10. This dude used to creep the effing poop out of me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrIg18Uby4E

  11. I still remember the word my granddad told me before he kicked the bucket ...
    "Hey, let's see how far I can kick this bucket!"
    It was about 5-7 meters, very nice.

  12. Feast of Fiction made Asuna's sandwich ... I wanna try it out

  13. Anyone wanna do Guardian of fire with me? I'm too scared to do it alone ...

  14. 18 Years, check
    Short, check
    Slight tan, check
    Grey hair .... check

  15. The feeling when doing the <Gemini> quest and you finished the battle against your clone in 3 rounds of combat and you only took 1 damage ...

    1. Macradon


      I have 23 Mitigation and +3 damage sword.

    2. Hirru


      Mine was only because, I wanted the fight to get done early, but had a few misses while Gemini kept getting crits.  Also, I kept making those criticals sword arts, so the damage added up.

    3. Ebony


      I could one shot that Gemini so easily now. (As Manta)

    4. Show next comments  117 more
  16. Trying to sing the male vocal on "Love is an open door" but those damn lyrics are messing with my mind!

    1. Macradon


      That's the one I use as well!


    2. Lessa


      Find me! Shelbeth.

    3. Macradon


      It took me, like, 20 tries to get the song right xD

    4. Show next comments  117 more
  17. "I'm right here" Macradon would say with a smile as he entered the shop are. Macradon brought the items the man had ordered with him folded in cloth. "Here the first thing is" he said and pulled up a big pile of something. He would slowly peel the cloth layer off to show what was underneath. It was a breastplate. "I hope you like it" he would say and take the other cloth covered item onto the table. This one was flat instead of how the other one was, so it was easier to just peel off the cloth. Under the cloth was a shield, from the description of what Sinnon gave him. "I hope it satisfies you
  18. I who thought the plague was just something that happened online
  19. Rank 4: 8/160 ID: 40471 CD: 12, perfect item. ID: 40472 CD: 1, fail.Items crafted:
  20. So I heard about this "Santa Hat Plague" but I haven't really see- WHAT THE HECK IS THIS THING ON MY HEAD!?"?!??!

  21. Macradon was pleased at that "It'll be my pleasure to contact you whenever I get a better curved sword" he would say. He would be sure to contact Coddexx whenever he had any spare crafts left that were perfect quality for him to buy. It was a great thing that Macradon was able to do so many daily crafts so he had the probability of crafting so much at one time. Rank 4: 8/160 ID: 40368 CD: 1, fail. +1 exp. ID: 40369 CD: 10+1=11, rare item. +5 exp. ID: 40370 CD: 6+1=7, good item. +2 exp ID: 40371 CD: 1, fail. +1 exp.
  22. This little annoying kid's been throwing a tantrum in the bus I'm sitting in ... So much noise ...

  23. Rank 3; 79/80 ID: 40319 CD: 1. Failure. +1 exp. ID: 40320 CD: 10+1=11, rare item. +5 exp ID: 40321 CD: 4+1=5, bad item. +1 exp. LD: 6+1=7, salvage failed ID: 40322 CD: 7+1=8, good item. +2 exp -4 Mats
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