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About Whit

  • Birthday 07/26/1999

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    Video games, anime.

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  1. "Oh, I thought you said ten" Whit looked up at the skybox, "in that CASE, LETS GO!" Whit quickly followed behind Elul, not hard considering his at the ready energy and the pace she walked at. Granted Elul did seem to walk at a pace faster than he usually saw her move at, she was probably just excited to finish this quest and be able to do something other than idle around. "Hmm, I was thinking of becoming an alchemist, I always liked Chemistry, like one big puzzle." Of course what really intrigued him was the idea of all the different combinations, since he was sure the system did it autom
  2. ID: 37997 LD: 9 "Well if you really want to know..." Whit turned to Elul, "first off their humans, they're selfish, stupid boring creatures, second off I can't understand most of their actions, 'why would you date that guy who's cheating on you, that just means he'll probably cheat on you.' Third you act like none of those things, and that is why you are my best friend. I mean, your sister isn't that bad either, but she's like five years older than me so most of the jokes we'd trade off would be lost on each other." Whit's face gave off a smile as he pulled out his three materia
  3. ID: 37815 LD: 4 Oh fun, the females are trying to overpower me! Time to result to my secret move; confusion! "Yes well I was born in the summer so that means I'm older" phase one, opposite day, "and you're no Anthony Johnson, so you can take your juggling and sell me that cardboard" phase two, mix smart quips with utter nonsense, now for phase three freedom, Whit turned and licked Elul's hand, tearing his hand free from hers, Checkmate. Whit ran from Elul in the opposite direction, seeing no materials as he ran to freedom. "And this is why I only hang around a maximum of one-point-fi
  4. ID:37796 LD: 4 "Ack" Whit lost his balance, he was under attack by... Elul, "What is... so? Oh, yes I suppose I was getting a little too close, hey!" Elul had decided that for some reason his arm was a leash, and that he needed to be paraded everywhere that boars weren't. "Elul, I'm not five, in fact I'm pretty sure I'm the older of the two of us." Whit attempted to pull his arm out of Elul's grip, but a quick try determined that the girl had one of iron. "I can handle myself, heck, that boar got lucky!" Yes Whit did understand her reasoning, but Whit could easily cut off some stupid
  5. ID: 37774 LD: 16 (Mat found) (3 mats held) (4/10 quest quota) Whit began to walk off, only to feel something tighten around his waist. Looking down revealed Elul to be using her First aid skill and was wrapping some kind bandage around his waist, Whit lifted his arms so Elul could get a better angle at his stomach. Well, A for effort, but I don't think this will help as much as she wants it to. Whit used one of his lifted hands to pat Elul on the head, ruffling through her hair and causing it to look like chaos. "Thanks mate, that'll help in the long run." Of course it wouldn't, but
  6. ID: 37644 BD: 6 (Boar killed) (2/3 E) Whit watched as Elul's face contorted in rage, she had attempted to ride the boar and stab it repeatedly, but got knocked off. Whit rushed the boar, slashing at it and causing its snout to fall off and shatter, right before the rest of the boar shattered into pieces. Whit stabbed his sword into the ground leaning on it in his tired state, "Elul, I could've taken him, he had only hit me once." Whit hid the fact that he had been shocked by how strong the boar was with an overconfident smile, still it would seem battling would have to be postpo
  7. ID: 37637 MD: 10 (5 damage to Whit) Boar: 2/4 (3 base damage) The boar snarled at the arrogant boy, rushing him while his guard was down. The boar landed a successful hit on Whit square in the gut, forcing the air to be forced out of his lungs. The boar charged off, starting to circle back for another go at Whit.
  8. ID: 37636 BD: 7 (2 damage) (-1 energy) Whit dashed forward without warning, pulling out his sword and slicing the boar diagonally. The boar reared back in pain, squealing in fear at the idea of becoming bacon. The boar dashed forward and took what Whit considered a much longer than needed turn to come headed straight for him, Whit even raised his wrist as if to check a watch and insult Kayaba by saying, "really dude, this is the dangerous enemy everyone talked about? Really?"
  9. ID: 37632 LD: 19 +1 mat (2 total) Whit picked up a piece of Boar leather, some idiot had apparently decided to drop a good piece of leather, but hey all the better for Whit. Whit shoved it into his inventory, flicking it away as Elul came up to him. "Intresting idea Elul" his eyes locked onto a nearby boar, a sickly sweet smile forming over his face, "I do believe I may do that." He looked over, Elul was getting ready to battle, "there's no need for that, I can handle some boar by myself." Whit began laughing, giggling at the idea of killing something, "Oh man, this'll be fun."
  10. ID: 37624 LD: 8 "Yes, well, I say we stick together- what the heck are you doing?" Whit stared at the Woman who for some time had decided to play with his hair, "Yes, of course I'm okay, in fact I would feel great if you weren't touching my hair." Whit scrambled his hair again, letting it get to its normal messy self, "Why wouldn't I be- Oh, you don't, I see, Maria you can't feel pain In this game, all you need to worry about is whether that green bar in your vision is empty or not." Whit blew the hair out of his eyes, trying to get it back to how it was before. "Anywho, we should ge
  11. ID: 37567 LD: 18 (Successful Mat find) "Hola Elul" Whit spotted tge girl and her sister, running down the hill and gaining speed from the downhill momentum. Whit felt his feet snag on something, stopping his feet while his upper body flew forward. Whatever his foot had caught itself on snapped, allowing him to begin his decent down the hill quickly. "Well... Ship" Whit began rolling down the hill, gaining speed the further he went. Hmm, wonder how the stocks are in the real world, wasn't Nintendo coming out with a console similar to the nervegear? Or was it Sony, certa
  12. ID: 37543 LD: 14 (shoot, so close) Whit sniffed the flower in his hand, everything was just so beautiful today, from the sparkling green grass to the pretty people that surrounded him daily. "Pfft, right, I think I should take control for a while, maybe put myself onto the path that won't get me killed." Whit laughed at the idea of the human race being smart for once, it was rare to find an intelligent one among the herd, yet he had somehow managed to find Elul out of three billion people, so the odds looked greatly in his favor so far. "Maybe I'll start an army" Whit mulled the idea
  13. Whit

    Whit's journal

    Profile Username: Whit Real name: Matthew Legi Age: 16 Gender: Male Height: 5ft. 6in. Weight: 117 lbs. Sexuality: asexual. Level: 4 About: History/personality Digging into Matthew’s past won’t uproot a tragic backstory, at the most some slight bullying from peers. His main influence in his entire life was video games, from his morals to what to do in situations. Of course this led to being a slight outcast, but this didn’t affect him as video games and close friends were always able to block out the dark cloud known as: society. After a failed
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