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About TravellingStoryteller

  • Birthday 01/14/1989

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  • Location
    Kentucky, USA
  • Interests
    Reading, Writing, Roleplaying, Anime/Manga, World of Warcraft, Minecraft, D&D/Pathfinder, World of Darkness, Warhammer, My Little Pony:Friendship is Magic.

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  1. I have finished 25 episodes and halfway through the 1st volume the light novels.

  2. A, mostly, White and Blue player though other duel or tricolor decks have been used. Alara and Ravnica are my favorite blocks, with the former being mostly Bant and Esper while the latter was Azorius, Izzet, Dimir, and Selesnya. I prefer theme deck over tournament deck building.
  3. I have just finished the first 12 episodes in one evening, and hope to watch even more tonight.

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