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Everything posted by Shizua

  1. How does death work? I didn't see it clearly defined, do you instantly disappear when you hit zero, or do you have a post or two to say anything? 

    1. Endilix


      Shizua is speaking in terms of immediately when death happens. In character, death is seconds after your actual HP reaches zero. In RP terms, you can spread it out by making your HP bar drop slower, giving you enough time for your character to utter a few last words, give a quick final gesture, or show some form of emotion and reaction to their death.

      In game, upon your HP reaching zero, you would have one final post to RP your death scene. Depending on how you play it, you have roughly 15-30 in character seconds to play with, then poof. In real life terms, your character has roughly 10-60 seconds before the Nervegear activates the microwave function frying your brain.

    2. Shizua


      Thank you, Endilix. This was the answer I was looking for.

    3. Baldur


      Look up Azide's death post in the Rohk boss fight for a great example :)

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  2. I think I'm going to start RPing here again, starting over from scratch. I can only vaguely remember what caused me to leave, so here's hoping it won't come back.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shizua


      Avilon o.o

    3. Avilon


      <-< I think I knew you as Erin

    4. Shizua


      Hm? I've never gone by Erin. Maybe you're thinking of Shizuka, another member that joined around the same time as me?

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  3. Still got my Christmas icon on.. I haven't RP'd in a while.

    1. Macradon


      I'm just too lazy to change mine :v

  4.  I decided to check back after a long break to see if GGO was anywhere close to up and running, and it's still dead.

    I wonder why.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Amira


      Same. I joined for GGO, and started playing SAO while I waited. Over a year later im still waiting.

    3. Antofer


      :/ This sucks oh well maybe ill pm shark or something and try to start it up again

    4. Shizua


      Good to know someone agrees with me for once.

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  5. "Constant experience shows us that every man invested with power is apt to abuse it, and to carry his authority as far is it will go."

    -Charles de Montesquieu

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      His words were in context honestly what I would say too, which was to not stir unnecessary fuss simply because you were not getting your way in matters. The order of magnitude of your insulting was also much greater and had no reasoning to be said, while his was a response to your behaviour. You were also reported by other members of the site who I will not name for your repeated rude behaviour in the said incident.
      I also know for a fact having seen the logs that you were purposefully irritating the members of the GGO team in several ways and that it was your behaviour that led to Oikawa giving you the boot.
      If you wish to challenge the warnings given by staff approach either Shark or Mari in private conversation. However I ask you not to stir trouble in public for no reason other than self satisfaction.

    3. Shizua


      It's not for self satisfaction. I simply wish to let the general public know of what goes on, and the unfairness of staff towards the players.

    4. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      Considering the fact the statuses where you committed your offences are in public view, this isn't required. I will advise though that you drop the act of claiming moral high ground, because it isn't fooling anyone. The general public has clearly voiced their opinion in your status.

      As previously stated, if you feel that you have been treated unfairly, talk to Shark or Mari. It is also for me becoming rather frustrating that you cannot simply approach a higher level of staff to challenge the warning points presented against you (since you seem to feel so strongly against them) by a PST. Instead you have insulted in public on multiple occasions the unpaid volunteers who contribute to this site to provide a space for roleplaying and the moderation of the content within it. To call upon the 'two way street' analogy you used in the past, no staff member here has publicly shamed you in a status or gone out of their way to tell everyone that you are incompetent in any fashion, which you have done to staff members.

      Lastly, I simply will not tolerate uncalled for negative behaviour to the people that work for the site. End of.
      You may challenge their notices or actions formally and politely with Shark or Mari (as Erron's role on the site is of a technical one), but flaming them is totally forbidden, as it is for any user. Lowenthal did not flame you in any fashion, he simply told you to move on and was one of several people justifying you being kicked off the GGO team. Sure, his wording could of been better, but your response to this has been completely out of proportion in context.

      I will be locking this status to avoid circlejerking. If you wish to challenge, please follow the advice given above.

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  6. Gonna take a break from the site until the mod team gains some competence. 

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Helios


      Shizua, giving the mods crap in statuses won't help anybody.

    3. Shizua


      And giving the users crap in their statuses won't help anybody either, will it?

      It's a two way street.

    4. Ace9


      Shizua is right about that one XD

      If staffs follow rules, so will their players. That's a two way street. as well as the respect for both players and staff.

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  7. "Hypocrisy is the path to malfeasance. Follow the guidelines you set to others."

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Shizuka


      I win. Get roasted.

    3. Val


      I see The Shade and I feel the burn

    4. Shizua


      They are. That's all that matters.


    5. Show next comments  3 more
  8. "You're not a leader if nobody wants to follow you. Just a control freak."

    1. Shizua


      Not that I can find. However, you could do some Googling and possibly find something.

      Have a great rest of your day, friend.

    2. Lowenthal
    3. Lowenthal


      Found it. Seems it was from Pinterest. (At least the first few links lead me to the same place.)


    4. Show next comments  3 more
  9. I can post whatever I want?

    Then you can bite me, Lowenthal.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Shizua


      Neither is it yours, for that matter.

    3. Shizuka


      Well, he is part of the GGO Dev team meaning he is witness as to what you do in that chat.

    4. Zelrius


      You're right, it's not. It's not yours either. This is done, you will stop, or you will recieve a point for harassment. All of you. That is enough of this.

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  10. "If someone asks you to join the GGO Dev team, keep walkin'."

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Lowenthal


      Thank you Helios, and Zelrius.

      Now for the facts at hand. You were removed. Stop being a child over it. Shut up, and be an adult. I think you'll find, that it works wonders.

    3. Shizua


      Did I ever say that nobody else did no work? That was Lowenthal. 

      The environment, being a Skype chat, was not structured at all. If the people that were 'in charge' were trying to use it as a forum system, they should've gotten one.

      You're saying that the other people who made jokes should've been removed? They were not. I was the only one removed, because someone didn't have a sense of humor. I was NOT instructed to stop by anyone, and am willing to say that there is no way you can prove that I was. The team was supposed to be just that-- a team. Not a dictatorship like Oinkawa tried to make it.

    4. Lowenthal


      Locked because I'm done with this. Any more status, complaining about GGO from you Shizua I will lock instantly. Feel free to post whatever else you'd like.

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  11. G43-Right.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mack


      Springfield 1903A3

    3. Shizua


      Nice.. I'm buying a 10/22 soon to screw around with and customize.

    4. Mack


      I collect vintage WWII rifles, so far I've got: all three Mosins (91/30, M33, M44 and they're all WWII era and manufactured at Izhevsk), Schmit-Rubin K33, Springfield 1903A3, Arisaka Type 99, and I just picked up a Yugoslavian M24/47 made in 44 at Zastava. :)

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  12. Pooka is literally the most adorable name for anything ever.

    1. ___


      Pooka soopa cuuuute. c:

    2. Sonata


      Does that mean I is kawaii nao? :3 Lol

  13. Read the last ~120 pages of SAO Volume 1: Aincrad today.

  14. Today in GGO people jumped to judgement.

    1. Shizua


      Well, Oink can't really say otherwise to me anymore, he and Shark booted me out with no regrets. Why should I care? 

    2. Lessa


      I'm not sure what airing dirty laundry in such a public place will accomplish.

    3. Zelrius


      That I was unaware of, Interesting

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  15. Today in GGO we discussed very important things like the abbreviation VRMMORPGFPS

    1. Shizua


      Yes-- we decided it should be spelled VRMMORPFPS

    2. Bell


      hmm sounds interesting

    3. Zelrius


      Although this isn't a serious offense, I am sure that Oikawa and the rest if the Original staff team want to keep what is said and discussed in the Dev Chat private. Unless they say otherwise, assume it as so.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  16. If only the Gun Gale Online rp was revived somehow...

    1. Show previous comments  78 more
    2. Emerath


      Why is my text so big in my last post? Silly mobile posting. And duly noted, Tristan, thank you. I'm simply more familiar with Erron being the owner so I default to that when speaking of the dev team. Also because I coordinate with Erron on the newsletter. Is there some sort of area listing the staff and their roles? Cause that'd make things like that more clear and helpful.

    3. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      It lists the roles in the staff list. The staff application guide lists what each role does too.

    4. Paglikha


      I mean, an unofficial dev team is simply unofficial. Well, more like dev support team. I'd think about it like a storyboard writer compared to a character creator. The unofficial dev support team could help make the little details by submitting ideas while the devs work on the big idea and balance everything out.

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  17. #SantaHatPlague

  18. *Joins the Skype chat*


    1. Shizua


      I don't think I was cursing... I posted the copypasta, though. I could've removed it if somebody wanted.

    2. Jomei


      There were curses in the post, as well as a joke about homosexuality that upset another member of the chat. Also, it was asked multiple times to be deleted.

    3. Shizua


      Well, a joke is a joke. Making one about homosexuality isn't meant to offend anyone, and people who do get offended by them are over-sensitive. I wasn't really paying attention to the chat anyway, so I wouldn't have seen the asks.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  19. Just got the first volume of the light novel!

    ...Now I need to respond to rps...

  20. Anybody up for some RP? I've done rp's involving combat, so I'd be nice to do some simple character interaction. Anybody?

    1. Macradon


      I'm in for some Interaction without combat :D

    2. Greg Baxen

      Greg Baxen

      I'm all for it.

    3. Ayumu


      I'm up for it! Have you started a thread yet?

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  21. Is there any reason why I'm displaying as Level 4, though I should be only 1?

    1. Ayumu


      Oh wow...I bet that was fun.  XD

    2. Koumori


      It was not :(

    3. Jomei


      Yeah. Our levels were once based on post count rather than SP count, so it was much easier to be a higher level than it is now. I guess part of that is still in the system. 

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  22. Looks like some things broke. Never forgetti, rest in spaghetti

    1. Zelrius




      This double post dealio tho

    2. Takao


      ripperoni pepperoni

      ripperoni pepperoni

    3. Shizua


      I'm redundant!

      I'm redundant!

  23. Finished SAO II last night. I cried.

    dont judge me

    1. Greg Baxen

      Greg Baxen

      Oh, you mean

      The part with Yuuki's death?

      I don't blame you. 

    2. Lowenthal


      -hands tissue box-
      I'm with you...

    3. Opal


      I was just talking to Kalesh about this. We both agree it was quite sad. So you are not the only one who might have had a few tears slip. 

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