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  1. Just as Isadora was about to rob Mai blind, her hand was snatched up and Mai was looking at Dora with a rather scary expression on her face. “I thought you were confused!” Dora clicked her tongue and sulked. She tried to pull her wrist away, but the older girl held her tightly. Mai began to put her things way and Dora frowned at her missed opportunity. Once she had everything away, Mai told Dora to start explaining, and that she wouldn’t let Dora free until she did. The little girl struggled to break free again, but Mai held on strong. Dora sighed. She had no choice but to start expl
  2. I'mma need all those who owe me posts to get on it. Please and thank you <3

  3. Dora knit her eyebrows together as the guy told her she was being rude. She had no idea that honestly stating something was rude. “Maybe you’re just sensitive!” The little girl quipped and folded her arms. She wasn’t about to take [censored] from anyone, let alone an older guy who was in the same boat as she. Dora had a reason for not leveling, he truly did not. “What do you mean they had more time? We all got locked in here at the same time on the same day. Some just took initiative… looks like you didn’t. I got forced to stay with the other kiddies, but I broke away and now I’m going to go c
  4. Dora had done it! This older girl was truly a sucker! The little brunette almost felt bad about what she was going to do. Mai was kind and trusting, and severely incapacitate, and Isadora was totally taking advantage of that. Even so, she felt there was no other choice. Questing was hard and she was going to need a boost while fighting. Strengthening her resolve, Dora reached out her little hand ready to start clearing out Mai’s inventory from the shared friend’s box.
  5. Dora sighed. As it turned out, the young man was also a beginner like her. He’d not heard of anything they could easily do, but he said they could hunt boar. “No… I tried that. It’s no good if you’re only level one or two. I’d have died from trying to kill piglets if this dude hadn’t saved me.” The little girl explained. “So how come you’re still a beginner? I thought most of the older people have moved up already.” The little girl blurted out. She was known for putting her foot in her mouth quite often.
  6. Dora wandered around looking for quests. There had to be something, anything that could get her out of being a first level. Everything out in the field was too dangerous, and most of the quests she found didn’t allow her to do anything until she was a level two. It was entirely frustrating for the small girl, but she was not ready to give up just yet. Little Isadora had been puttering around the square when she saw a gentleman standing around just observing things. Given the way he watched things she wondered if he might know of something. Observant people were always the ones to know whe
  7. Mai was a good person. She was making everything to give to the front and keeping nothing for herself. That was terribly noble and so kind and lovely… And so incredibly stupid. Isadora hoped that this Eric guy was at least keeping Mai from giving away everything. Someone had to look after this super nice dumb bunny. This was soon glossed over as Mai told her she did have items in her inventory. So there were things that Mai had on her! This was getting good. “Oh… something special, huh? Hey Mai do you think you can show me what you’ve got? I’d really like to see your special th
  8. Dora had served tea and Mai told her that she didn’t live alone, but the person she lived with wouldn’t be home tonight. This was a good thing. It meant there wasn’t much chance of getting caught while vacating the property. “That’s good. I’m sure this Eric is okay.” Dora told the other girl who looked slightly perplexed after mentioning the name. The small girl sipped at her tea as she looked at Mai wondering if this was the right thing to do. Balling her little fist, she decided that it was do or die, and she wanted to live. “So Mai…” the little girl casually began to question the bust
  9. So this was right? “Mai… do you even make potions?” Dora turned and asked the older girl. Mai did not answer and instead mumbled that she would like some tea. “Okay… I’ll go make it.” Dora said. She looked about but saw nothing to make tea in the main room, so she headed toward the workshop. It was there that she found all the stuff necessary to make tea. Setting to work, Dora boiled some water and set up a tray to bring the older girl the teas she required. After a few minutes Isadora returned to the shop to find Maiyuri near sleep. “Don’t go to sleep yet. I’ve made your tea. H
  10. Mai wasn’t doing well. Isadora needed to hurry and get her back to the older girl’s shop so she could rob Mai and tuck her in bed nice and safe. The pink kimono clad girl would sleep it off and forget all about what happened. Yeah she’d be missing some things, but it wasn’t like the girl would miss them too terribly. If the older girl had a shop, she could easily get more of what she had. At least this was Dora’s rationality on the matter. Finally getting a sleepy Mai to focus, the older raven haired girl confirmed Dora’s question. “Well according to this… it’s a mortar and pestle. OH! I
  11. Uniques be making SAO way too salty these days. Anymore salt guys, and you're all going to be saladitos and have high blood pressure!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Paglikha


      Where are those things at? Which part of San Diego because I'm going to buy those things.

    3. Seul


      You'd have to be... Plumb crazy to want to buy those.

    4. Dora


      Saladitos are usually sold at liquor stores and Latin markets. 

  12. Dora sighed. “I’m Dora remember?” She reminded the Loli Big Boobs. “I’m Dora, and you’re Mai, and I’m helping you home to your shop because you got lost in the woods okay? Now SHHHHH!” Dora said putting her index finger to her lips telling Mai to hush up. They walked slowly though Nimbus following the road signs which pointed out where the shopping district was. They came to the main portion of the shopping district and she’d asked Mai where to go next. The confused gir
  13. Without any effort, the big man easily took up his great weapon and dropped in upon his shoulder having only taken it from her in one hand. She was impressed by the sheer size and strength this behemoth possessed. It seemed that the man was also a monster in the real world, having an excellent physique in the real world, which transferred into strength in this one. “That’s pretty neat!” She beamed wondering what of her skills in the real world transferred here. She was always a pretty agile little creature, perhaps that helped her out some here too. As Dora strapped Choppy back onto her b
  14. When the man told her that his weapon had come bloodstained from that of his enemies, Dora’s eyes glittered with excitement. “Sooo coooool…” she purred and stared at the blade with her dark brown eyes as wide as saucers. He seemed a bit hesitant at first to show her, but figuring she meant no harm, which was correct, he decided to let her handle the great sword. The weapon was pulled from its sheath and held out for her to take. Just as the man said, the blade was indeed bloody. It made it all the more menacing however and she reached for it with both hands. The blade was far more than do
  15. “Come on…that’s it… one leg in front of the other,” Dora said as she hoisted the girl up once more. Dora had come to floor two looking for some adventure. Instead what she found was a lost a bewildered Big Boobs McGee wondering around in a rather sorry state. Normally the little girl wouldn’t bother getting involved, but the girl looked so fragile and helpless that Isadora just couldn’t leave her out there alone. The pretty older girl in the pink kimono was apparently named Mai and she was an alchemist. These little tidbits were pieced together by some rather incoherent babbling the girl
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