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About Tenshi

  • Birthday 11/04/1997

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  1. Is there anyone selling any mats? I am willing to purchase them.

  2. Where is the sub forum for opening a shop?


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tenshi


      That would be wonderful, thank you! ^_^

    3. Teayre


      My shop is currently being transferred at the moment so the black text is what you want :)

    4. Tenshi
  3. I hate real life … everyone just pisses me off ...


  4. Vi Veri Veniversum Vivi Vici ~ Words To Live By


  5. How many pieces of clothing can you wear? Like, would it be possible to have custom made gloves, boots, and shirts all with enchancements?

    1. Takao


      You can have a total of 3 pieces of equipment that have enhancements equipped, which includes your weapon and/or a shield.

    2. Tenshi


      okay, thank you :3

  6. Can anyone give me some pointers on the earning a living quest for a blacksmith or help me with it?

    1. Zelrius


      I helped Ayumu with hers and Could help you with yours if you want. 

    2. Tenshi


      That'd be great ^_^ Please and thank you :3

  7. Can I buy something from a shop on the 5th floor if I'm new and still on the first?

    1. Takao


      Yup. You can travel to any floor at any time as long as it's been unlocked, you just need to reach the benchmark requirements for boss fights.

    2. Ebony


      You can move between floors whenever you like, as long as that floor has been unlocked.

    3. Tenshi


      Thank you both ^_^

  8. Since I have 1 skill already invested into one handed curved swords, can i get a katana and be able to use it? Also, do I have to spend points on it?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tenshi


      alrighty, thank you

    3. Ebony


      You only need 1 rank in One Handed Curved Sword to get a Katana. I just checked the tutorial. (I believe it was 3 in the old rules though)

    4. Tenshi
  9. How do sword arts work? Do you have to spend SP to unlock them or do you just have to have the energy for it?

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. Tenshi


      lol so how much damage does a sword art do ? like for my rank one fell crescent attack?

    3. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      All explained in the sword art guide at the bottom of the guide.

    4. Tenshi


      ok, thank you ^^

  10. Is anyone up for a thread? I am knew to the game and kinda looking for people to rp with :3

    This is Tenshi

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rag


      As long as it's combat I am abouslth open. Combat then no cause you know 4 health and I have really bad luck

    3. Tenshi


      Lol i don't want any combat yet anyway xD I would die with my luck lol

    4. Emerath


      Hello Tenshi! Welcome to SAO-RP! Emerath is always happy to meet and assist new players, and I can go along with you for combat, gathering, or just even a social RP. If you're interested, go ahead and start a thread and and add me in, and I'll go along with it, or send me a PM and we can hash out the details. :D

  11. FaceClaim: Samurai (BloodCoveredInRain) http://orig10.deviantart.net/982a/f/2015/080/1/c/samurai__husband__kise_x_wife_reader__by_bloodcoveredinrain-d8mktk2.jpg ProfileUsername: TenshiReal name: Yoichi TengokuAge: 17 Gender: MaleHeight: 5'11" Hometown: Asahikawa, Hokkaido (Japan) Total SD: 14 Unused SD: 4 Level: 7 HP: 28 EN: 7 History: Yoichi had been born in the town of Asahikawa, in the Hokkaido district of Japan. He had been born to a loving mother and father who would alway
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