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Posts posted by RemyLeBeau

  1. Profile
    Username: RemyLeBeau
    Real name:  Najime Shoten
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male 
    Height: 5'8"

    About: History/personality
    A hacker and a thief, Najime grew up hard. Forced to steal from a young age in order to survive, Najime floated from one criminal undercircuit, to the next, never having a true home. After several years of living like this, Najime finally found some stability in Tokyo. Here was a city big enough for him to hide in, with crowds to disappear in, and with valuables for him to steal. Far from a virtuous thief, Najime did however only aim to steal from those who could afford it. Having gone weeks hungry, Najime would never steal from someone doing the same, even if it meant another three weeks without any real food. Once settled in Tokyo, Najime was able to live a comfortable life on theivery, comfortable meaning a roof over his head, and food in his stomach relatively easily. Eventually, Najime even found a computer and with practice and connections through the criminal underground, became a very skilled computer hacker. One day, he came across a Scroll of Epiphia being held by a criminal gang. Staying cool-headed, Najime calmly did what he would usually do, and he stole it and sold it.

    Eventually, and much to his surprise, a monk by the name of Matsuo appeared to re-take the scroll. Going into a lengthy exposition, the long and short of it being that Najime and Matsuo are now entering the digital world of SAO to meet a digital crime-broker to set-up the re-buying of this scroll.


    Self-Reliant: Najime grew up on his own, survived on his own, and has lived on his own for most of his life. He doesn't even remember his parents, not that it would make a difference at this point. Extremely strong-willed, and independent, Najime is strong mentally and physically, not beholden to a weak will. Capable of employing creativity and guile to accomplish his goals, Najime's best virtue is his self-reliance.

    Intelligent: When you're poor, books are your best friends. They can be stolen from libraries easily too. With little else for entertainment, Najime used reading as his primary outlet and as a result has become extremely well-rounded and book-read as a result. Capable of speaking on a depth of topics, his introspection and intelligence go hand-in-hand with each other.

    Creativity: As someone who has worked at stealing his whole life, Najime has become extremely proficient at it. Whether it's talking to his targets, tricking them, or finding a different way to steal the goods, Najime will always find a way. Once he's found a way to get to the target, he'll stop at nothing to achieve his goal.

    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html

    Non Combatant : Najime isn't a born fighter and prefers to let others do the heavy fighting, preferring to use conversation and other means of resolving situations, if it comes to a straight-up fight, Najime will be looking to do as little possible and leave as quickly as possible. You really shouldn't count on Najime sticking around if he doesn't have too.

    Self-Serving : Not much other way to say it, Najime is a thief and it's who he is. He'll go after the best treasure, talk you down on your prices, and leave with all your goods...the thing is, this doesn't win you any friends. Self-serving is working only to one own's benefit, finding the angle where Najime will best benefit, which is what Najime is always doing.

    Adrenaline Junkie : A dumb kid, Najime loves chasing after that danger high. Constantly, and I mean constantly, going out after it, Najime will do anything to feel the rush. Often putting himself in very dangerous situations which exceed his abilities, Najime views 'any you can walk away from' as a victory.

    Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)

    Total SP : 5
    Spent SP : 5
    Unspent SP : 0




    Weapon skills:
    » Wild Dance Rank 1 (5/50)

    » One Basic Pair of Tekko-Kagi
    - Cloth Clothing

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)
    Partnered with Emperor_IronBlood in the search for 'Digital' a criminal cyber-broker.

    Story Thus Far (optional)

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