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About evac

  • Birthday 10/25/2000

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  • Location
    In the bushes
  • Interests
    Star wars, costuming, music, swords (tricolor_mina ^-^)

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  1. Whats going on with Gun Gale?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shizua


      GGO isn't finished yet. All I can really say is 'eventually.'

    3. Baldur


      I believe at the bottom of the site there are links to all the other RP sites

    4. evac


      Never really has been shizua.XD And thanks Baldur!

  2. Ohhhh my has it been awhile sao.

    1. Hirru


      Indeed, it has.

  3. Good night, see you again at 5:00 sharp!

  4. I GOT A PANDA! I GOT A PANDA! Da da da daaaaada!

    Nix is its name, bitting ears is its game!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. evac


      Sure thing! Anytime.

      And I had to find it in its habbitat.

    3. Rag


      See I told you. Your insssssaaaaane! :) congrats man Nix will make a great pet!

    4. evac


      Thanks! And remember, Evac is the crazy one.

  5. I hate missing topics i should have commented on and commenting too late for things.
  6. Me needs to level up...

  7. evac

    Tis poated. Title, how ro lose a hand.

  8. I was joking about the muscle part, and it wouldnt bend it due to the thickness of the bronze, maybe it will shave it.
  9. Your blunt steel sword. Also you have to take into account your muscle. How bout dem apples. Looking forward to rping with ya!
  10. Storm shadow has a grenade launcher, m16 modified. Some one made their armor out of pure bronze. They can take your little sword.
  11. Whats the easiest way to get col around here?!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. evac


      I was more asking which way is the least work. But thats still the answer I was looking for. THX

    3. Ssendom


      Yeah, me and Zelrius are loot Jesus, and loot Moses.

    4. Ebony


      Ignoring the obvious: "Pray to Loot Jesus", the best way is to become a high damage player with AOE attacks. You can go out and kill a bunch of high health monsters, and if you get lucky on your LD, you can get a good deal of col.

      And you can do the Earning a Living quest and open a shop. :P

  12. Would anyone like to take a quest with a useless noob? Wow. I really am bored.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sinnon


      I have 200 since I've done literally one thread so far

    3. Amira


      *looks around for useless noob* *walks up to Evac*

      "You seen a useless noob around? I haven't."

    4. evac


      Thaaaaank you M!

  13. Phone is dying...

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