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  1. Currently on a posting hiatus~ Will be back online when I'm finished with all of my work.

  2. The Craft Die really doesn't like me... -_-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Calrex


      We all do XD

    3. Amira


      The battle and loot dice love me. The Mob dice and craft dice hate me.

    4. Zandra


      All dices loves me. Thou they dont show it that often. ;)

  3. First 5 people to post in my Tailor shop will get their item free *w*

  4. There will be a shortage of posts coming from me this week. Vacation. Baby-sitting...

    1. Zelrius


      Vacation with Baby Sitting? Baby Sitting with Vacation? Vacation because of Baby Sitting? Baby Sitting because of Vacation? Don't make me guess now

    2. Ayumu


      I feel ya... XD

    3. Audacity


      Baby-sitting because of vacation -_-

  5. How many times can I roll the Loot Dice for materials in 1 post?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Teayre


      *Puts crown on at an angle* Oh you mean this little thing 


      ^^ <3

    3. Audacity


      Of course you just have to show it off...

      Just kidding. I couldn't make it look that good anyways. >w>

    4. Calrex
  6. Which professions are lacking in numbers?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Rag


      I don't know. But I am a performer so I would have to compete with you.

    3. Amira


      I think we only have 1 good blacksmith atm. (That is active with crafting) And I agree that alchemy seems to be a very popular choice atm. I would recommend Blacksmithing or Cooking.

    4. Audacity


      Thanks for the input, guys! I'm still deciding though. 'Tis a difficult choice since they all seem great.

  7. Replaying State of Decay and the Dead Island series just for kicks. I'm going to buy Black Ops 3 and Assassin's Creed Syndicate sometime soon, hopefully! What I've wanted the most for a long time now, however, is Rise of the Tomb Raider. Lara Croft is bae. There's this game called Firewatch coming out that's a first-person decision-based adventure game with "a scary twist"; sounds pretty badass to me. Looking forward to see what it's like. I've recently ordered Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Skyward Sword, and Twilight Princess for Christmas. That'll be a blast to laze around and go thro
  8. Could someone explain how the First Aid skill works? I could also go for a roleplay or two, if anyone would assist me with that.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Opal


      Hello Audacity, I like to help new players get a nice boost in SP so I am offering to guide them through high SP gain quests right off the bat. If your interested in RPing: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/9854-newbie-and-high-gain-sp-quests/ . :) Feel free to send me a PM anytime. 

    3. Ssendom


      If you wanna meet a unique skill user, or someone clad in the best gear.

      Anyone is welcome to ask to rp with me.

    4. Zelrius


      Though most of this information is true and works well, The only reliable source here is Ssendom, given he is a staff members, and their time is occupied making, tweaking and explaining the system, they know it best, regardless of any amount of time a player has spent on the site. 

      As for what Opal suggested, That is a really great Idea, and if you need any of those Bosses one shotted, Shoot me a message.

  9. Profile Username: Audacity. Real name: Tessa Rose. Age: 22. Gender: Female. Height: 5 feet 7 inches. About: History/personality She grew up among strong parents who valued wisdom and knowledge more than anything. Her siblings were smart, she was smart - if you weren't born with the natural intelligence into the Rose household then you'd study and practice until you did. The Mr. and Mrs. would accept nothing less than perfect from their children because they wanted them to go somewhere in life. Anywhere really as long as you could achieve titles and award that were worthy of bra
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