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About Sinnon

  • Birthday 07/29/1998

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  • Location
    Springfield, New Jersey

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  1. aI am taking up the ALO part of the site as well now so I have a question and don't know who to ask. For the combat, would my one handed assault spear count as a ranged weapon?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ebony


      No, it's a melee in melee formation. Now fight meh.

    3. Sinnon


      Okie okie 

    4. Ebony
  2. Sinnnon had smiled a smile like no other as he had seen the wonderfully crafted breastplate and shield. They were so truly amazing that Sinnon couldn't help but scream like a little girl on the inside. They were exactly what he had wanted but better. He had then hugged Macradon (which was unexpected to even him), his eyes closed and a smile still upon his face. Once he had pulled back from his hug, he had collected his armor and shield into his inventory, and then made his way out of the shop with haste. "Sorry for leaving so soon but I gotta run!"
  3. Sinnon had been questing quite a bit lately and had come into conflict several times, due to the simple fact that he still had no armor or even a shield. It had been a good thing that he had requested one though, considering the fact that he would need them if he were to survive. In order to get ready for his next grand adventure, he had headed back into the smithy known as the blazing typhoon so that he could see if his items had finally been crafted. He had pushed the doors open and made his way into the shop with a smile on his face. "Is my favorite blacksmith in today?"
  4. YYou ever have those days that you are just down with life?

    1. Ebony


      Like I'm having right now? Yes. :(

    2. Seul


      Every day-

  5. III know that this may be a stupid question and I apologize for if it is, but where can I sell some of the goods that I have such as my snow frost?

    1. Ebony


      A merchant probably. Theirs always the chance they wont want it though.

    2. Sinnon


      True true :3 Thanks Ebony

    3. Hikoru


      I'll always take stuff, for a reasonable price that is :P

  6. Sinnon had decided that today would be the day he would acquire a shield. He had been visiting his friend Macradon on the first floor and decided that it was best to go to him, considering the fact that he is his personal blacksmith. "Hello there Sir Macradon. I have arrived to request a shield. Here is the information on the shield. Please pm me whenever it is ready." After saying this, Sinnon had placed 5 materials on the table for Macradon, along with 200 Col and the request sheet. "Thank you for your services. I know its not much gold, but it is all that I have to offer." Name: Millen
  7. Do you have to place all of your crafts into Evaluation or just the ones with enchancements?


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tenshi


      Wanna do a thread with Tenshi or Sinnon?

    3. Ebony


      Whichever one you'd like. There both fun to rp with.

    4. Tenshi


      lol okie :3 well sinnon needs it more so ill switch over to him and pm you

  8. I have a question. Are you able to take a hit for someone? So say they are about to be hit by a mob, could I take the hit for them?


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ebony


      2 tanks are better than one. :P

    3. Sinnon


      lol true true

    4. Ace9


      :(     Lol Only one can hold the attention of the monster

      But I guess...... Lol :P

  9. FaceClaim: Keminomimi Egyptian Prince (thehades) (My Altered Version) https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/1_NKrZ7R0t-X-4wQAme9Bnx2p7d7P-oDDKdW2ehDt3Y=w291-h615-no ProfileUsername: SinnonReal name: Alexander MenesAge: 19Gender: MaleHeight: 6'2" Total SD: 22 Unused SD: 4 Level: 11 HP: 44 Energy: 11 History Alexander had been born into a noble family in the great land of Egypt. Their family had been the descendants of the once almighty King Tut and had received a rather large dowry
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