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About Val

  • Birthday September 16

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Michigan USA, also SAO
  • Interests
    Astrology, Astronomy, HISTORY, Genealogy.

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  1. I want to apologize to everyone who messaged me with work. College picked up and I have to be taking Placement Tests AND trip coming up. So I have been a little frazzled. I will do as much as I can today :D

  2. Approved. Welcome to Aincrad!!! P.S Very nice Journal
  3. Val

    Akari's Diary

    Approved. Welcome to Aincrad!!!
  4. Approved. Welcome to Aincrad!!!
  5. Val

    ACH1IVI Journal

    Error: History/Personality needs to be Atleast 2 Paragraphs Long.
  6. Val

    Dynaon's Journal

    Approved. Welcome to Aincrad!!!
  7. Val

    Shade's Journal

    Approved. Welcome to Aincrad!!!
  8. Error: Flaws and Virtues have to be ATLEAST 2 Lines long. Error: you can Not get Ferocity with out the skill that goes along with it
  9. Approved. Welcome to Aincrad!!!
  10. Approved. Welcome to Aincrad!!!! P.S You have 5 Skill Points to Start with.
  11. Val


    Approved. Welcome to Aincrad!!!
  12. Approved. Welcome to Aincrad!!!
  13. Approved. Welcome to Aincrad!!!
  14. Approved. Welcome to Aincrad!!!
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