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Everything posted by tricolor_mina

  1. Violet felt... stuck. She had been kicked out of her house for the day by Akane, who had all but dragged her towards the teleport plaza on floor 9, telling her that she needed to actually keep moving instead of lurking inside of her room. "It isn't healthy to lock yourself inside, and you know it. Go do something, literally anything other than mope about in here!" It wasn't doing her any favors by acting this way, and he had gotten tired of watching her mope. Thus, she'd decided to go to one of her comfort floors, good old floor 5. The ever-shifting sands that comprised the entirety of the des
  2. Throwing this shit @ our lemony lad (Purchased from HERE) 2 Creme Brulee (ACC II) 2 Smores (EVA II) 2 Gelato (LD III) 2 Mousse (Prosp. III) 2 Bing (MIT III) 2 Bento (Protein II)
  3. Ordering: 2 Creme Brulee - 4 Mats 2 Smores - 4 Mats 2 Gelato - 4 mats 2 Mouse - 4 mats 2 Bingu - 10 mats 2 Bento - 6 Mats 10 Cookies - 30 Mats Total: 62 Mats :) (Sending to Night As well owo)
  4. buying: Liquor of Light x6 (3 Mats each uwu) total: 18 Mats (sending to NIGHT owo)
  5. *small note: Forgor to subtract energy used last turn, added it in this post and edited in original owo)b (Value should be 34!) Placeholder uwu
  6. placeholder >:0 Initiative Roll ID#: 242742, CD: 5(Madness >:0), LD: 7 Battle Ready Stat block below uwu Tricolor Mina | HP: 200/200 | EN: 43/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:30 | ACC:3 | AA | PHASE | REC: 2 | HLY: 4 | LD:4
  7. The duel was finally underway, and both of them charged forward, weapons drawn and at the ready. Night was fast, as always - weaving and dodging from her swings as Violet tried her best to hit her with Ember, the bladed fan just barely missing her each and every time. And then, like a viper coiled in the sand - NIGHT struck. Violet winced as she was hit hard, NIGHT quickly taking advantage of her slow movement to hit her with a rather devastating stun - rendering her unable to move at all for a short moment. NIGHT had gotten stabbed by something that was hidden within the shifting sa
  8. Violet smiled as she stepped forward in the arena, humming as she listened to the introduction that Kindling was giving for them. "Guess I'm not living down that Finale, huh?" she laughed, checking over her holster to make sure everything was secured. She listened to the rest of the spiel, before bowing to her opponent. "Let's have fun, yeah?" She did a few stretches, before pulling out Ember, and stooping into a crouch. Night was one of the most formidable players in this tournament, if not throughout the entire frontlines. Even Freyd would have trouble keeping up with her. So the odds of her
  9. PH uwu Roll ID#: 241560, LD: 8 Mina Consumes - Assorted Sushi Platter (Ignore first negative status effect applied this fight) - Shared with Kit Kat | Sphagetti and Meatballs (+1 base DMG, +10 MIT for this fight) Tricolor Mina | HP: 200/200 | EN: 43/43 | DMG: 11 | MIT:40 | ACC:3 | AA | PHASE | REC: 2 | HLY: 4 | LD:3
  10. Y e e t Roll ID#:240796, Natural LD: 4 Clash Statblock Tricolor Mina | HP: 200/200 | EN: 43/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:30 | ACC:3 | AA | PHASE | REC: 2 | HLY: 4 | LD:3 Clash Deets + Sheet
  11. Violet winced, looking away from her friend with a pained expression. "I think I was a bit lost in trying to force myself to calm down." she turned back, looking into Freyd's shadows with a sad look in her eyes. "I'm going to miss her, she was certainly a one of a kind familiar. As for what happened to you during the raid..? You just melded with the shadows, and then were drawn out... I think by persi, actually!" At Wulfrin's comment about Freyd possibly being a mere Gemini, violet almost instinctively felt herself activating <<Tracking>>, her red eyes briefly shimmering a gol
  12. Violet laughed at Star's joke, shaking her head at the thought of bringing a fresh new rookie and dragging them towards one of the most dangerous activities that they actually did in this game. "What, wanna prep the kid for a boss raid this early?" she said dryly, walking towards Astra with an amused look on her face. "I'm suddenly starting to understand the mentality of throwing the kid at FTK! at least he's gonna get a good handle on how <<Switching>> works. All we gotta do is make sure Astra doesn't catch Aggro~" It wouldn't be that hard, unless they accidentally crit the boss,
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