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Everything posted by tricolor_mina


  2. Mina was still looking up at the tree, and she began humming to herself. it was an old Christmas song that her friend had taught her when she first met her. It was one of her fondest memories singing that song with all of her friends. Mina felt faint confusion run through her when she saw an orange player walk over to her. Mina perked up a bit when she realized that the girl actually wanted to keep her company instead of leaving her by herself. It made her feel just a slight bit happier than before, even though her source of comfort was an orange player. she smiled sadly at the girl, her hair
  3. Mina sighed quietly when she realized that nobody was likely to come and sit with her, or talk to her for that matter. It didn't bother her that much, but it still kinda hurt a little to know that. Itzal had his reasons, and so did Shield.... and to be honest, so did she. Her eyes dulled to the point that they were little more than dark pink orbs, and a sad smile crossed her face. Her hair fell in front of her face, and she laughed quietly. "But I'll still smile anyways, this really isn't the time to be sad, isn't it..." She clapped her hands to her face, and folded them behind her back. her
  4. Mina smiled faintly when she got a response from Itzal, and looked at it eagerly... though she stopped with confusion when she noticed that he had brought up the fact that he had a gift for her apparently? "Na, naa... you're such an idiot, but a sweet one nonetheless..." she murmured, shaking her head, a faint rumbling of laughter echoing from her throat. She sighed tiredly when Shield gave an explanation for his sadness. "... to be honest, I don't blame you if you have it rough this time of year. there's always something." she said quietly, her face changing to a sad frown. "It's especially r
  5. Mina walked out of the teleport gate, a shiver running down her spine. It was absolutely gorgeous here at this time of year, nothing like the years previous. She smiled brightly, looking at the NPC's and Players scattered around the area, decorating it with festive cheer. She giggled a bit when she saw the shopkeeper and his apprentice hurriedly continue to set up their shop near a tent off to the side of the main plaza. "Na, naa~! It's so nice to see everyone so lively!" she stopped a few moments later when she realized that there was probably two people who weren't out celebrating the cheer.
  6. 3 years... time really flies, doesn't it?

    1. Vigilon


      This be true and I still can't keep up with it myself. Just four more months, and I will have been on this site for about two years.

  7. that moment when you get 3 dud rolls in a quest thread...

  8. Finally gonna tackle the <<Calming the Soul>> quest~!

  9. The game needs to be balanced out a little, which Is understandable... BUT WHAT HAPPENED TO TALKING TO THE PLAYERS?! this site has given me some new friends, and the fact that no one, not even the PST's even put new things to a vote with the majority of the game population. This can make some people VERY angry about that, especially those(If there are any) that had their characters based around MPD caused by Traumatic stress. I want to hear from everyone that has had, or still has, a character with this Ideology. Please wait for the voices of the people, I understand If a GM is reading this and get's angry... and Erroneous if he ever sees this, I am sorry for saying this, I'm just voicing a few opinions.

    1. Mari


      Lycan summed it up perfectly, in words that are probably better than I can think of right now; especially with my lack of sleep.

      It was banned actually, for the longest time because people in the past, around before the time I joined and just as I joined were using them and it caused a LOT of problems for the site. We had people with voices in their heads, people who used it as an excuse to flip out, people who claimed they had demons in their head, people who claimed that they were being overtaken by the souls of weapons in the form of MPD etc. etc. etc. I'm not sure what happened from the translation of the old rules to the new, but it was one that had been skipped out.

      It was sorta let to slide for a bit until it began to get out of hand. Especially with the MPD - MPD is not where you have a voice in your head and you have casual conversations with it, that isn't the disease - having a voice/personality in your head that has manifested itself just because of the VR programming of SAO is also extremely far fetched for SAO, and delves more into the realm of supernatural/paranormal than a gaming based anime

      I personally have a strong dislike of MPD being RPed the way they have been, having close family with Schizophrenia and it just not being done correctly, I have certainly voiced my dislike of MPD on the site, but I can safely assure you I didn't just say 'Ok this is banned again now" As Lycan said, we had a discussion on it. I'd never just jump in and ban something because of personal feelings.

      If you want AI Counselors/ NPC for your guild/base/home/etc  put up a ticket as Lycan suggested, many people have had the use of NPCs before for story based things. 

    2. Itzal


      First off I understand where you guys are coming with the part about people using MPD to make voices in your head, demons, or something else 'controlling' your character and therefore giving you a stupid reason to do evil things.  @Morgenstern if you think about my characters quote unquote 'split personality' in detail, he really isn't.  What happened was my character's extremely built/locked up emotions were given an intelligence to some degree during the quest calming the soul.  Ulises isn't a second personality so to speak, he's really just an amplification of Itzal's emotions and beliefs.  Ulises was kind of a blend between Itzal and the nerve gear so to speak.  When Itzal leaves the game Ulises would be gone like he never existed....  That is until Felix enters another immersive virtual reality.  Because Ulises wasn't a true split personality I didn't feel it necessary to have him act like the real version, which I think that Doc/O'mally from red vs blue is a perfect example of a split personality. 

      In short, Ulises really isn't a split personality but still extists in a weird way.  He doesn't influence Felix' choices like all those 'voices in your head' versions of MPD, rather the two of them work together to either figure things out, fight in the field, or work through a very personal and very embarrassing situation together.  When Felix first met Ulises in the calming the soul quest, Ulises was his enemy, but became an ally in the end as Ulises was basically his emotions given intelligence.  It's still a bit confusing but that's the gist of Ulises.  If I have no choice but to remove him anyways then I will do so, though I'll miss the hilarious work that I have worked hard to create, but if it is possible to keep him, especially have I worked hard to create a non evil, corrupted MPD character, who helps me add much humor to my posts, (Which I also know Mina has a character similar to the reason I RP with him, though she made her an actual MPD).  If you think it's possible for him to exist though @Lycan, I would be extremely grateful and would follow any guidlines you put up before me.  Once again though if I have no choice I will listen to the GM's and do as you wish.

    3. Lycan


      @Itzal, PM me on this with more details. I'm not turning a status update into an approval/denial thread. I'm also not going to open it up as an argument thread. Any decisions made by PM should be kept between you and current staff to avoid making a scene. I'll keep an eye on my inbox.

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  10. Is anyone else on the East coast? It's rainy over here!

    1. Baldur


      I'm in GA at Dragon*Con and it's been cloudy and not rainy, which means we're having WONDERFUL weather for cosplay :)

    2. Ashrah


      How is DragonCon this year, mate? I have a buddy who goes all the time named Akhil, tell him Alkor said hi if you run into him.


    3. Baldur


      It's been awesome. Nowhere near as crowded this year as it usually is. Having a great time thanks to the cloudy weather keeping the heat down.

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  11. Undertale... Has anyone played it yet?

    1. Cyanidezi


      I'm in the middle of playing it. Haven't gotten too far, yet.

    2. Teselmar


      Undyne all the way! I like people who give 110% all the time!

    3. Macradon


      Mattaton! Because Ooohhh Yeeeeess!

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  12. Happy new year! # SAO RPG 2016!

    1. Beoreson


      It is a bit late but happy new year.

  13. "Why do we love, why do we dream..?" "Its simple, dear. Human beings, at their core, want to be worth something... they want their lives to have Meaning." ♦ Tricolor_Mina [i.] [ii.] [iii.] | I'll live, and die at my own pace | Dum Spiro, Spero. NAME: Violet Hitsue GENDER: female AGE: 25 -> 27 HEIGHT: 164cm(?) WEIGHT: 130 Ilbs (58 kg) BIRTHDAY: April 4th
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