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Everything posted by tricolor_mina

  1. *Side note, my attack was targeted at Bear #1, I forgor to put it in the roll deets q.q Violet shrugged, tilting her head. "Never been on one before, so this is a day of firsts for me." she sighed, reaching up to scratch her familiar underneath her chin. She let out a quiet snort at the suggestion of riding on a vehicle, the idea not even remotely appealing for her. "I'd rather leg it, if I'm being completely honest." she folded her arms over her chest, "I want to enjoy our little trek, even if we end up getting slapped around like a bunch of paper dolls. Its been way too long since I've
  2. Violet let out a sheepish chuckle at the remark from Hirru, scratching her head in embarrassment. That had been quite the embarassment, though at least she'd only run out of damage towards the end of the raid fight, which was more than ok. Did it suck? Oh absolutely, but at least it hadn't been only halfway through. "Sorry about that, by the way! I should have brought some VIT food with me, I didn't plan ahead!" she said sheepishly, "I'll be providing as much backup as I can, I promise I won't slack off!" Akame had perched herself on her head, the tiny dragon letting out a delighted chirp.
  3. Violet felt her heart longing for home somehow, her eyes skimming over the lands of the new floor that they'd reached. Beautiful, sun-dappled forests that appeared as seas of red, gold and brown, framing a lively little town that looked as though it belonged in a story book. She was lounging on top of one of the brick-roofed houses, Akame curled up on her chest and fast asleep. Her eyes were skimming the town lightly, checking to see who was visiting the floor. only the occasional player drifted through, some of them being high-level players that were just drifting about, while some of th
  4. Violet shot Nari an unimpressed look, a frown on her face. "Can we be a bit more creative with the nicknames, please?" she quipped, lament already kicking up a bit of smoke as she got into position. "I'd much prefer you use my name, but you're being rather insistent on calling me something pink." She sprinted forward, her blade biting into the arms of the giant rock monster. Its hands slammed into the ground, a bellow knocking her away before she could finish her combo. "Oh shit- WOAH!" Violet tumbled to the ground, swearing as she saw its health abruptly jump in value, the monster easily
  5. Violet was tired. every part of her body was aching and burning, struggling to keep her upright, that wave of virtual exhaustion that came from being out of energy making it difficult to focus. Her rapier was burning in her hand, the hilt spewing smoke again as she looked up at the boss, and at her team doing their damndest to try and finish it off. Freyd and Kataoka had done a massive chunk of damage with their blows, Elora and Morningstar following up with a hefty sum as well. The other teams were busting out massive numbers as well, aiming for a final hurrah just so they could finish t
  6. Violet let out a sigh, knowing full well that what Freyd was talking about. Pretty much all of them had become damaged at some point, resulting in a mish-mash of different people who were breaking into tiny pieces over and over again, with nothing to help try and put them back together. It was a whole different kind of awful. "No, I really can't picture anyone that even remotely counts as normal." she replied, her shoulders slumping. She calmly started stabbing at the grasping hands, lament slowly cleaving its way through the mutated flooring. she looked up, moving to turn towards Freyd...
  7. Charge CD [0/3] "Go get it tested again, barou!" she quipped dryly, "We're all crazy in this shitty world, kinda have to be if we're gonna live!" she was calmly swinging her blade around, the blackened steel glinting in the dim cavern light. A few moments later, Freyd had cleaved apart all of the goblins, the blue polygons shimmering around the air. "Good shit, lets keep moving." Violet made a face as one of the hands reached out towards her, trying to trip her up. "Eeugh, fuck that!" she complained, kicking the offending appendage, "I coulda lived without seeing random arms tryna dr
  8. Violet let out a roar as she charged at the giant dragon head, a bellow of fury ripping from her throat as she followed through with Freyd's request. They could not afford to falter, not with how close they were. And they were so, so damn close, that single health bar almost taunting her tired body as she tried to make herself keep going. Her energy bar was almost depleted, and it was forcing a wave of fatigue over her entire being, sweat beading on her cheek as she ground Lament into the burning scales of Brimstone. Her virtual muscles were screaming, practically begging for her to stop,
  9. Violet let out a snort at the comment about a murder hobo. "Buddy, I didn't call you a murder hobo." she interjected, "I said I was worried about how you were feeling after shanking people to help Mr. Man with a plan. But that's besides the point, I already know you're more than that. Why else would I keep hanging out with your crazy ass!" she frowned, continuing to lean on the button, a faint-yet-familiar numbness seeping through her arms. "Elements you say?" she mused, letting up on the button as soon as it clicked. "Sounds pretty fun to me, honestly. I don't think I've dealt with a pow
  10. Violet found herself swearing under her breath as she put all her weight onto the button Freyd had pointed out, cursing whatever Kayaba had been thinking when he'd designed this stupid puzzle. "He just haaad to add RNG, sonnova-" she growled, trailing off as she stepped back to try and look at the puzzle from a distance. "I'd probably be here for hours if you weren't here, jeez! Which one of these stupid things did you say not to touch again?" She snorted when he responded to her earlier excitement about Ronbaru with his mouth full. "Buddy, chew and swallow before ya talk." she drawled, c
  11. “And murder, really? A bit gauche for the dinner table, no? I actually meant her Ragou Rabbit recipe. It’s the talk of several circles that should otherwise remain nameless." Violet nodded, shrugging a bit. "Considering you guys have a relatively low opinion of her to begin with for what she's dragged me partially into... It was a valid concern of mine." She twirled the knife in her hand gently, "If you want to learn it though, I'll happily help teach you guys. It's a lot of work, though." Violet willed herself to drop the happy-go-lucky façade she tended to keep up, following Freyd's
  12. Violet drew her blade in front of her, black smoke wafting from the hilt of her blade as she held it up close to eye level. They were slowly starting to run dry on their energy reserves, with only a few sparks left for them to gather. Their entire party was trying their best, just to cleave their way through the last little bit of health. Only two bars out of the original six were left, and they were fully in the home stretch. The smoke from lament seemed to erupt into purple and red flames, licking across the blade hungrily, just itching for a release. No faltering here, they had to
  13. "Or, maybe I'll just need to try harder. We must have missed one on the way somewhere." Violet snorted at that. She could honestly think of quite a few of them that the pair had missed. "Yeah, we probably need to try a little bit harder." she replied dryly, a wry grin on her face. "We could always go after good ol Sando Satsu, and run it ragged if we're feeling lucky. I'd suggest the Shadow's fucked-up version of the Avalanche if it weren't for the fact that I'd probably get frozen solid trying to fight it due to my lack of the Survival skill." More than a few ideas were running through her h
  14. "Rosa? I've... heard about her specialties." Violet tilted her head, bemused. "I would hope so, considering you're usually joined at the hip with Raidou-kun." she shrugged, busying herself with the pot as she began to portion out the food. "I would hope you wouldn't paint one example as a spoilt batch, Takeshi-kun. Buuut, that's neither here nor there. We're here to eat and chat about things, not talk about murder~" Her smile seemed a bit more forced than before, her eyes losing enough of their twinkle for both of them to immediately notice. She made a bed of rice in each bowl, before spoonin
  15. *Note: I made a fuckup and targeted the Wushy in my roll instead of Serration, MB gamers :'3 Violet let out a sigh as a second wall of ice seemed to shimmer into view, forcing them to focus on another head. It was like Wushen wanted to play a game of hide and seek rather than face them head on like it had been before. However, that wasn't the only barrier that seemed to have come into play. A beautiful oaken barrier seemed to sprout from the ground at Hirru's urging, the elegant tree protecting them from being wounded further by the dragon. Violet launched forward, skirting around th
  16. "Oh, this is the return of Shadow's shenanigans?" Violet looked amused, shaking her head. "This is basically the remnants of what the original floor looked like~" she looked amused. "You'd probably remember it, ya goof~ it was a swampy mess back then!" It was a testament to what the boss monster had been, and how powerful its work was when she'd seen her house almost get swallowed whole by the damn thing. It had been a terrifying time, but at least now her house was just an Oasis in a complete and utter hellscape. right now, though, that wasn't important Violet had almost immediately
  17. Violet watched as Hirru approached the flailing head, using a healing crystal on the severed wounds, and making the head vanish. A few moments later, the ice started to crack and splinter, watery chunks of cold fractals spilling around everyone. "Good work, dude!" she called out to the green haired man, watching as the barrier finally shattered, revealing the giant dragon to them once more. "Oh hey big guy, welcome back~!" Her weapon glinted as she slashed into it, a grin on her face. "Here's a little payback from Earlier!!" she made her way back to the group, her armor gleaming with a de
  18. Violet was setting up the finishing touches on the stew, humming away. Akane was staring at the door, a frown on his face. "Shouldn't they be here by now...?" he grumbled, pulling out an issue of <<The Aincrad Times>> to pass the time. "They shouldn't be that slow, it's just a mile!" Violet sighed, pulling the stew off of the stove. "Akane, not everyone is used to sprinting three miles in the span of an hour." she grumbled, shooting her brother a glare. "This 'Elora' character might not be able to, but Freyd can." "Not the point, dude. Have mercy on the poor non-fast people!"
  19. Violet eyed him carefully when he'd changed his appearance to that of a woman, a frown crossing her face. normally, she'd be down to joke around with Freyd, and banter away... for some reason, the fact that he'd decided to tease her about appearances had taken her aback. She let out a huff, folding her arms. "Ah yes, dressing up as a woman... how creative." she muttered, tugging her cloak so that it snapped shut over her clothes. "Wish I could do that, it'd save me a fortune in salves. Gotta do shit the old fashioned way." She checked her map, frowning. "Mmmk, lets see..." she murmured, l
  20. Violet was fiddling with her HUD, a frown on her face. She knew that the quest was going to take them into one of the deeper caverns of the floor, and then they had to search for the stupid tablet. Once they found that, then they would have to translate it, which could take a hot minute depending on how good their RNG was. Akame chirped, bunting her head against her cheek. "Maa... this should be relatively easy." she murmured, absentmindedly scratching the tiny dragon under her feathery chin. "Its the location thats bugging me... there's a chance it could spawn a dungeon, and I'm not entirely
  21. Violet dusted off her clothes, letting out a faint growl as the burn effect triggered once more, scorching away another chunk of her health, putting her dangerously close to being at Half-Health. The boss had erected several massive walls of ice, sealing them off from the other teams, and leaving them Isolated with a giant head that was bearing down on them. Deep green and black scales, and a menacing sneer on its face. A sneer crossed her own, before she slid her mask over her face, her eye glowing a bright reddish-pink underneath it. "Phase Two time, Everyone!" she shouted, "This one lo
  22. Violet bounced on her heels, a grin on her face. "Definitely~" she sang, waving at Ginger. "If you ever want to run another quest, or get help with getting ahold of something super rare, just hit one of us up! Freyd and I are always happy to help out some rookies! Just make sure you don't go wandering outside of the safe zones on the higher floors without" She honestly never minded helping out with some of the beginner quests, and was always prepared to go and assist other people. There was always strength in numbers, and it never hurt to have a few clearers watching your back in a dangerous s
  23. Violet carefully placed a small bundle of spices into the boiling liquid, a mixture of pepper, diced up celery, bay leaves, basil, wild carrot, and cinnamon bark. She uncorked a bottle of apple cider, her eyes on one of the recipes that players seemed to be passing around. A very simple bone broth for a simple meal, and something that only needed just a bit more time to cook. She set a pot of fresh wild rice on the stove, sighing. The timers on all of the different food items and their cooking speed were vastly different from the actual times that most items would take to cook. Rice only
  24. Violet realized in hindsight, that teasing and taunting the boss was probably one of the worst decisions that she and the others could have made. There were loud, angry words echoing into the room, and at the last words spoken, Wushen had let out a vicious roar, blasting the entirety of their group with a burst of flames. If it hadn't been for Hirru and Freyd, she'd be almost down to half-health, and scorched by the painful blow she'd been dealt on top of what had Maimed her entire team. "Shit..! Looks like we're finally getting some action from the big guy!" Hirru called to her, pointing
  25. Violet was lurking around the streets of Floor one, peering at her quest logs. There were plenty of things that she hadn't done yet, most of which were either rookie quests like the <<First Few Lessons>>, which wouldn't even give her EXP at this point. Meanwhile, the DHA quests and Arabian Nights weren't up her alley, especially with how long they seemed to get towards the end of them. There was one that caught her eyes, though... and that was the <<Scents of the Wild>> Quest line, which involved hunting fabulous monsters, and logging them down. And it started up o
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