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About Creius

  • Birthday April 21

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    Solo Player

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  1. Kindness being a problem, that was a sentiment he had been raised with. The world he grew up in was unforgiving and cruel and kindness could get you killed. It was not something he so easily would have rejected as she did with her casual shrug. He seemed mostly oblivious to the turbulent atmosphere that emanated from him, so accustomed to the more negative outlook on life. His food mechanically went from bowl to mouth, the spoon scrapping softly against the bowl, making no move to leave nor continue conversation after the warrior said he was welcome to stay. Noticing the sudden movem
  2. Nathan pushed open the door to The Gilded Hide, the warm sun spilling into the shop. A crawling sensation crept to his shoulder and he looked over to Hector. With a sigh, Nathan stepped down into the shop and crossed over to the counter. It had been a while since his shop had seen activity. But if he were going to get to the front lines, he better also become a forefront tailor. There was no reason to hold back. Pausing at the counter, he let Hector down his arm and to the counter where the scorpion manned his defensive position at the bell. Cracking a small smile, a feature not common to him,
  3. Familiar: Hector Type: Scorpion Taming Link: Description: A small creature, about the size of an adult hand, Hector resembles an Arabian fat-tailed scorpion with a jet black carapace. His pincers and tail bear a crimson tint, reminiscent of Bloodletter's glow during a sword art, and a white Star of Bethlehem emblazons the top of his cephalothorax.
  4. Nathan nodded slightly, sensing that he had probably said to much and scared her off. It had been the truth, though, and that was all that Nathan would ever give. He looked to his own bowl swirled the spoon around in the thick soup. Of course he realized his current state was much better than many others but that did not quite justify the bullheadedness he had exhibited. Be that as it may, she was most likely right in the fact that he was overanalyzing himself. That was what he did, though, and it was probably too late to change such an inbred characteristic. "Thanks for being blunt but, I mus
  5. I'm really itching to write something. Anyone up to interact with Creius

    1. Morgenstern


      Ooh.... *Extends hand upwards* PICK ME

    2. Creius


      How did I know you were going to be the first to respond? xD You still in that old PM we have?

    3. Morgenstern


      probably not.... I have ran out of Pm space  lot and delete a lot of messages

  6. It's nice when your transmission decides to go in the middle of a two hour drive ;~; GG Life, well played

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HighNoonMich


      When I was in the Air Force, a boy I dated loved drag racing, hot rods, motorsports, etc. I learned quite a bit about vehicles because I let myself get all interested in it for him. It turns out I actually really like the stuff, but I hate being dirty. So at least I know when something's wrong, but I could never do anything about it myself. :( I hate grease.

    3. Creius


      My father, grand-father, and great-grandfather are all into cars so I was kinda sick of it by the time I grew up. I know about it, more so out of necessity, but I don't enjoy it as much. I decided that rockets and jets were more my speed. However, I can't deny how cool it was to walk through my great-grandfather's garage and see a whole bunch of restored Model A's and other such old-time cars.

    4. HighNoonMich


      yeah, model As are nice. depends on what you do with them though. lol I love watching drag races,so.

  7. @Corvo, thanks for your name popping up xD Made me want to play Dishonored again and I saw it was on sale on Steam for $3.29. You just landed me a pretty sweet deal

    1. Hydra


      That is a pretty sweet deal! *Rushes off to also buy it*

    2. Creius


      If you feel like spending $10 then you can get all the DLC too

    3. Hydra


      ooh nice! Thanks for the info. All I can remember from last time is blinking and making rats eat people. Ah those were the days ^^

      oh and that really creepy song

  8. His mind had become a warzone and neither side was willing to budge at all. It came as a shock when something brought him out of the destructive zone that his mind was at the moment. His sharp blue eyes opened as he realized that a question had been asked of him and, after a quick consideration, Nathan turned towards the blonde and looked into her eyes, immediately noting the concern that was present in her eyes. That look really threw him off because never in his life had he seen such compassion, especially from a stranger. Especially in this game. However, he did not see any recognition in h
  9. Did anyone else know that apparently there is a National Espresso Day and that it is November 23rd? Guess I need to pull my old machine out and make a few cups.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Calrex


      Or it might be empty by the time it gets here XD "Confiscated due to questionable liquid content"

    3. Creius


      Well, at least then someone got to enjoy my hard work. I would have poured blood, sweat and tears into that cup! Or maybe not! That would be disgusting!

    4. Calrex


      ...on second thought maaaybe I'll pass on that cup of espresso XD

  10. There was a loud creaking from the main entrance, causing Nathan's eyes to flicker up from the water glass. It shook slightly as the door slam closed behind the woman that entered. He paid no mind to her initially, in all reality the clanking of her heavy armor just proving to annoy the thin duelist. Nathan closed his eyes trying to ignore the sudden intrusion on the quiet bar. He heard the warm voice of the woman as she addressed the barkeep, asking for a bowl of food. Something resonated within him as the voice reached his ears. The memories fluttered around, cast onto his closed eyelids. He
  11. Nathan was sitting alone at a table in a pub, a full glass of water in front of him. This was not particularly abnormal but it was more so the choice of location that perturbed him today. Not that there was any issue with the tavern. The pub itself was rather nice and not terribly loud, a quaint establishment. The barkeeper sat behind the bar, minding her own business, which suited Nathan rather well. It had been a long struggle uphill in this game and he needed time to relax. Nathan sighed softly and leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes and reflecting. He had not changed at all ove
  12. Been on a bit of leave due to school picking up and scrambling about as I finish preparations for my internship at Lockheed. I'm back, though, and see quite a few things have changed. If anyone is interested in writing with me, hit me up. Gonna go thoroughly read all the new rules and change my stats to comply with them

    1. Baldur


      Wow! Gratzon on the internship!

      We've still got our thread we can finish up.

    2. Morgenstern
    3. Lessa


      Well hey, I just found my way back too. I'd love to write with you again, if you're up for it.

  13. Welp, for those in the Nerius thread, if you do not have a Healer's Amulet, I have four amulets to give in my inventory. Thank Teayre for the amulets, I'm just the middle man ;~; Just let me know and add it to your post

  14. Any Artisan able to make me a Healer's Amulet before the Nerius fight commences? If not that's alright. If so, please contact me. I'll pay a bit extra for the small window of time that the order has to be completed in.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Teayre


      Got a load of crafts, making all the uncommon items for nerius

    3. Teayre


      @Creius, Items are made pending approval atm

    4. Teayre


      @Creius All done and replied!

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