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  1. Anyone looking for a thread?  New friends?  Partners in crime?  Enemies?  Ishida's open to mingle.

    1. Alruin


      Sure start up a thread and I'll join

    2. Nixon


      Sure, I'm still Lvl 1 but i would be more than happy to

  2. Does the Parry skill, when used, work against all mobs you are currently in combat with?  All of their damage to you that round is halfed?

    1. Calrex
    2. Ishida


      Great.  Thanks Calrex.  Best 6 pts a Tank could spend.

  3. So, what happens when you are fighting a mob with mitigation higher than your damage and you have expended all of your energy?  Hit the mob for 1 HP 100 times until it dies?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hirru


      No, you can just not attack.  I've done it several times in the past, since I have horrid energy usage while hunting.

      You'll basically just get the 1 energy per post without using it.

      Basic Energy 101: You can not attack an enemy to regain 1 energy in combat.

    3. Ishida


      Oh, excellent.  I kept looking in the Tutorials section for something about it but I found it in the Beginner's guide.

      Thanks for the help!

    4. Hirru


      You're welcome!

      Hope to Rp with you some time!


    1. Ishida


      Shizuo.  Nooice!

  5. Out of materials!  Ishida (Lv. 3) is looking for a party to beat up some boarpigs.  I should be ready to tank once my shield gets approved!

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Ssendom


      Sure I guess.

    3. Ishida


      I don't know what I'm doing. How do I proceed? 

    4. Shizuka


      Kek I was jk

  6. ProfileUsername: IshidaReal name: Takasu Yamato (so he says.)Age: 19Gender: MaleHeight: 5'9" Stats Total SP: 32 SP Available: 6 SP Spent: 26 Lv: 13 HP: 52 EP: 13 DMG: 2 EVA: 0 ACC: 0 MIT: 30 THN: 18 RGN: 27 PAR: 1About: History/personality Sometimes you draw the short straw. That's just the way it is and exactly how Ishida views his childhood. He didn't choose which kind of life he was born into but he sure as hell did everything in his power to escape it. His parents were only parents in title as they exhibited none of the familial traits or instincts
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