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About Drake_McGricken

  • Birthday November 30

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    Emergency life support area nearby West Point military academy

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  1. Im about to do an earning a living thing but I need someone who is already a blacksmith to help me, cause I'm trying to be a blacksmith

    1. Drake_McGricken


      Well I just made it, if any smiths wouldn't mind helping Drake that would be awsome, thanks.

  2. Wait, I've been looking at the guides, and the one Mari made says that 6 SP total levels you up, since you start out with 5 SP, and I just got one SP from Need to Level up. Doesn't that mean I level up? I'm just a little bit confused so I'm just making sure I got it right

    1. Teayre


      Think of SP like Experience :) 

      5 SP is the starting SP which equates to level 1 (So that we all have at least one starting skill)

      Then it goes up from there.


    2. Drake_McGricken


      Ok, just wanted to make sure, thank you

  3. Stiiilll waiting.... Hoping to get to rp with someone soon

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ssendom


      Lol your cover art was my faceclaim. I decided to change it for a bit.

    3. Drake_McGricken
    4. Ssendom


      I found it funny, but I will change back to it in due time.

  4. Username:Drake_McGricken Real Name:Drake Williams McGricken Age:19 Gender:Male Height:7'4" Lvl:4 hp:16 About History: Real-Life:Drake lives in America and goes to West Point. Recently he heard about the newest gaming tech, the nerve gear, little did he know, Kayaba was going to trap all of the players of Sao into the game. Outside of the game his freinds found him and reported it to the supervisor, when she arrived they were informed that he cannot have the nerve gear removed or else he would die. He was transported to a nearby hospital to be put o
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