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  1. Wow how did Azide end up dying???

    1. Xion


      Pidgey on steroids (AKA Rohk the floor 14 boss) 

      Pidgey on steroids (AKA Rohk the floor 14 boss) 

    2. Seul


      He died from excessive AoE damage in the most recent boss fight.

      He died from excessive AoE damage in the most recent boss fight.

    3. Ratatosk


      Nobody healed him

      Nobody healed him

  2. Gonna try to get some posts in the weekend, ended up being a busy week.


  3. Does BBcode work on here/???

    1. Macradon


      I don't believe so

  4. Anyone here watch The Flash??? Just watched Season 2, Episode 11 it's getting awesome.

  5. Anybody have a good song to cure writer's block??? Lol

    1. Macradon


      Depends on what you want to write. Epic instrumental usually helps men get the muse on.

    2. Ebony
    3. VolvoWing
  6. This will be easier than I thought....

  7. You know it's gonna be a great battle when both your opponent and you roll a 1 on the first in-battle post. 

  8. Helping my step dad put new cabinets in this weekend. Gonna try to get Gemini and Earning a Living done though.

    1. Zandra


      A tip when you starts your alchemical career, gather the Col and get the +1 CD and +1 EXP as soon as possible. They are gonna help you alot :) I wish you the best of luck fellow alchemist :)

    2. VolvoWing


      :) Thank you. You as well :)

  9. I really want to be a blacksmith but there is already a lot of blacksmiths..... Is there any profession in need at the moment????


    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. CaptainUndead


      An advice on starting business. Set the values of Items cheap at first to build up reputation, and then slowly increasing the price once you're well known.

    3. VolvoWing


      Going alchemist

    4. Macradon



      An advice on starting business. Set the values of Items cheap at first to build up reputation, and then slowly increasing the price once you're well known.

      And there's me, who has been having the same prices since start, and still booming with customers.

  10. Now I may DESTROY the Gemini!!!! 

  11. Jason soon found himself stopping by the same blacksmith shop once more. He was here to pick up some new equipment. Jason had sent out a notice, asking if anyone was willing to loan Jason any equipment before he went out into the wild, and 'Macrodon' was one of the ones who responded. Jason walked in, and asked " "Whatcha got for me, Macrodon???? I am so glad you were willing to do this for me."
  12. Need someone to loan me nice equipment before I take gemini.... Felt like taking it before I use any skill points.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. VolvoWing


      I told him I might not need the Mask. 


      I would like a shield with MIT, and maybe Paralyze....

      And maybe a new sword with DMG, and maybe accuracy....


      Thank you. I will pay you back however you need. :) Your awesome.

    3. Macradon


      You would probably need Mitigation over Paralyze and DMG over accuracy, you can always buy or get a potion to grant your equipment 1 slot more, but its a higher level quest you can do later on.

      I will be making the items soon.

    4. VolvoWing


      Thank you. I noticed you got a ton of perfects..... I will pay you back, but.... Please lol. I WILL go mat hunting for you.

      I will collect you a ton of mats and col. Thank you thank you thank you.

  13. Regen says "from your opponent". Does that mean your stealing it's HP or no???

    1. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      No you're not. It specifies that you regen if you take damage from an opponent. No damage is dealt to enemy, that's what Thorns is for.

    2. VolvoWing


      Alright. was confused for a moment, thanks. 

  14. VolvoWing walked into the shop, looking at each of the items. The only ones he could afford each had a little less power on them, but he was just now starting to earn money anyways. Jason found something called a "Divine Chestplate", and it looked nice enough with one regan enhancement. Jason wasn't a huge fan of the "heavy armor", but this was the cheapest place he could find with something with regan. So Jason purchased it. -300 Col +Divine Chestplate (Tell me if I did something wrong lol)
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