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About Hydra

  • Birthday 02/18/1998

Guild Information

  • Guild Name
    Guardians of the New Dawn
  • Position
    Guild Rogue

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  1. Order ^ Hydra stumbled inside the Arcade on the eight floor, he had received news from a few guildmates about this place. It was suppose to be owned by a player known as Pinball also a member of the Guardians of the New Dawn. Hydra looked about, the area was nice and reminded him of his own store deep in the forest of the second floor. "Hi there, I've come to make an order for some items. If you have the time and resources that is." Hydra smiled nervously. He had briefly seen this player during the last dragon hunter encounter, although they hadn't really interacted with one another. Truth
  2. Hydra had been slumped over his counter when the sound of a message came through on his interface. "Hmm?" He let out a curious mumble followed by a yawn and then swiftly moved to open the message. Surprisingly it was from Hei, a player he had met a few times and taken a general liking too. "I suppose now I am part of a guild I should be expecting more of these. " Hydra pondered to himself, his eyes slowly scanning the message. It appeared it was Hei's birthday and he, alongside the other guild members had been invited. A soft note rung in Hydra's heart, he had always been lonely and that was
  3. Dodge ball, though I spent the whole time dodging because I could only throw the ball like 2cm xD
  4. (OOC: Didn't know if I was suppose to use send to or transfer so I just used transfer. Hopefully that was right. Thanks.) Skill(s) Being Dropped: First Aid (Rank 1), GathererMod(s) Being Dropped: N/ASP Refunded: 15Cost: 15'000 col
  5. As Malorne once said...




    1. Beatbox


      You better return boi. Jk, nice to have ya back bud.

    2. Hydra


      Haha, thanks! Good to be back :3

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