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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. Life has been sweet.


    -Lazarus's final words.

    For some reason I just got over his death just now

    1. Mack


      Yeah, sorry it happened and all. If you start a new character look us up in the Knights of the Blood Oath, we'll look out for you and help you level.

  2. Lazarus

    Cross Syndrome Raffle


    I'd be willing to enter the raffle.
  3. Profile Username: Lazarus Real name: Takashi Minami Age: 18 Gender: Candy Man Height: 5'8 About: History/personality His love of candy started at the young age of five when his best friend, who was at that time a girl, gave him a piece of her Kit-Kat. He loved the flavor of it, and since then became the sugar-loving Lazarus we have today. All the kids at his school would call him a sugar freak, but he didn't really care. Everyday a candy phantom would swoop down unto the neighboring kingdom of unguarded backpacks and plunder the national candy treasury. Everyone suspected him o
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