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About Husky

  • Birthday February 11

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  • Guild Name
    Solo Player

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Somewhere Beyond the Sea
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  1. To those I've owed posts to, I'm terribly sorry for the delay. Exam weeks has been driving me to insanity, but tomorrow should be an easy day, so I should be able to write more.

    1. Aereth


      No stress man. I know how you feel. School/University sucks at times. <-<

  2. Hello. To those I'm roleplaying with, here's just an explanation of my recent lack of posting recently. All I could say, was my muse for writing and my sense of creativity is rather lacking for the past week. I'll try my best to keep up with the pace, and sorry if it takes too long to reply.

  3. Currently looking for a partner for adventuring. Could either be a quest, normal hunting or just socializing.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Grave


      Your turn, Morg :P

    3. Morgenstern


      My turn....

      I'll get to it in the morning


    4. Hikoru


      If you ever need a Sneaky-Burst-DPS, you know where to find me

  4. It's only the second time Husky has ever returned to this store. He still remembered the first item he had purchased from here. Only the finest quality of clothing product can be purchase here, for a good price too. While the location has moved to a different place, the ascetic of the place hardly changed. The place is still grand just as he remembered it. Entering the shop, the little bell rang with a small tingling melody. The walls are decorated with a massive amount of merchandise, many different colors. The two posters of famous Japanese band that he somewhat recognize. "Good day to
  5. I'm currently open for any threads that yields rewards. Need something to occupied myself with.

  6. Husky could feel Lessa's compassion and love for Christmas through her small talks about her family traditions on this time of the year. Along with that, he also felt her desires to join her family on this Holiday to celebrate with them, and her grievances because she wasn't able to, being confined in this virtual prison. He could tell that Lessa missed home. Who wouldn't? But then, due to circumstances, none could leave this place, not until the final boss is defeated. Then, Husky was stunned when Lessa suggested going to his tavern every Christmas. He would never think that someone woul
  7. "Well, my offers always stand if you changed your mind. It's only a small gift, considering holiday season is just around the corner." The brunette boy smiled. It's the simplest details that got his attention most of the time. How her arms shivered when she gazed outside. The misty forest continued howling long and eerie howls, as the wind flew. "True that." The boy agreed with the girl. He continued, "It's amazing how the person who had created this place has done such a good job creating a world so close to ours, but yet intended for such a malevolent scheme. It's a shame, how the mastermind
  8. Back from my mini hiatus. Hopefully I didn't put anyone on hold. 

    1. Lessa


      Glad to have you back! You've been a pleasure to write with. :)

  9. Seeing the girl getting so excited when he presented her order had Husky chuckled slightly. It almost reminded of someone he used to hang out with back in England, before his trip to Tokyo, which ultimately landed him in this virtual prison. It's a refreshing sight to see, allowed him to reminisced of his childhood. "Well, If you like it so much, I could make you more, free of charge. But it's best that you drink it while it still hot. It's a cold night outside." The bartender let out a small laugh, as he was giving his offer to the girl. He returned with a friendly look, hoping that maybe, sh
  10. "Well I'll be damn... She's one marvelous girl." Husky was impressed. Never in his mind would he thought of this- A young and beautiful girl like her walking into the establishment at a time like this. Her golden hair matched the royalty of the High Elf in Delilah, her gentle sapphire blue eyes glimmered under the lantern light. Her face was stunning, not to mention her angelic-like voice. Shook away those thoughts, Husky paid close attention to the newly met guest. He noticed her gaze fixated onto his scar. However, he paid no mind on that subject matter. Many people have done the same, and a
  11. The night winter wind were cold and unrelenting. The cold breezes blew against the trees, stripping the leaves from the branches, leaving behind nothing but bare woods, making the trees all the more frightening in this otherwise ominous forest. For those who would traveled to the misty desolated part of the third floor, they will find a small, cozy tavern. The dim light from the swaying lantern lit up the wooden sign. "Hakkasan Tavern" The name carved into the fine wood of the sign. It wasn't the best way to kickstart a new day, but Husky have had worse. Having a shop so far inside a moody pla
  12. Hello, everyone. I have made my return, after a long time hiding. 

    Now, where do I go from here?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Husky


      Instruction wasn't clear. Am now in ALfheim

    3. Aoda


      I tried my best.

    4. Lessa


      Aw man, I'd rather be in Aincrad, if we are being honest.

  13. It is approximately 2 months now, and the Sheeptar battle is still ongoing. 

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      plenty of time until Christmas when he will appear again.

    2. Baldur


      There will just be year-round sheeptar events :P

  14. Come and have some fun. Get wasted. Hang out. Or just do what you pleased


    1. Shirosu


      @Mack for good ol' times?

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