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  1. Sorry gonna take a break for a while.

  2. Any artisan's and tailors out their who can craft some stuff?

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      *directs Sierra towards the Shop section*

      *if that fails directs Sierra towards the evaluation threads to see who's active lately*

    2. Hydra


      I've got one rare item waiting to be confirmed. Other than that im a failed Artisan.

  3. Let the crimson rivers stain the first floor. ^-^

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Teayre


      Zero lies..... He's teasing you cause he dislikes you immensely. and You know why? It's because he sounds like a G....

    3. Zero


      *eye twitches and grips Tearye's throat* Not. Another. Word.

    4. Teayre


      od, that's fresh out of mercy.

  4. Seeking rp partners.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Macradon


      Uh ... I'm up I guess :D

    3. Lycan


      I'm available. Let me know if you'd like to write. I'm still pretty low level as well.

    4. Sierra


      Sure I'm available. ^^


  5. Sierra


    Profile Username: Sierra Real name: Sveltanta Bazarova Age: 20 Gender: Female Height: 5’11” About: History/personality Svetlana had been raised with a hard life in Russia where she lived in constant degradation and fear for her younger brother from the alcoholic threat that was her father. Their mother left them after she gave birth to Svetlana’s younger brother Ivan. Her body was found a few miles outside of Siberia and was sent back for the funeral which only infuriated her father. By the age of eighteen she left Russia moving to Japan where
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