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About Shirien

  • Birthday 09/13/1993

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    First Floor

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  1. Ever make a character who you really like, but for various reasons you stop playing them for a long time, but then you come back to the game later and realize you want to play that alt again but the people who remember them probably think he and by extension you are a a d-bag for suddenly disappearing without warning and so you feel bad but enough time has passed that other people's storylines have long moved on and yours hasn't budged only making the rift bigger since you need an IC reason to not be a corpse from starvation? Then the OOC reasons naturally.

    I have :D Fills me with conflicting emotions :3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Seul



      I only have one alt.

    3. Shirien


      Well, not that EXACT scenario, just generally having an alt that you're not sure how their return would be taken, positive or negative, and so you kinda hold off on it or don't know what to do :P

      Half curiosity and half saying stuff for the sake of saying stuff and not just thinking it~

    4. Takao


      I dunno, the type of person that would think I was a douchebag for disappearing without saying anything aren't typically the people I'd want to go back to anyway. 

  2. Shirien entered the shop with a slight sense of urgency about him, like he was worried he was about to miss out on a once-in-a-lifetime event. He walked right up to the counter and plopped 700 Col's worth of coins atop her surface and said "Hiii! Could I get some swimwear?" He asks the blonde player. "I'd like for them to be dark purple swimshorts preferably." He figured it was a relatively simple order seeing how it didn't need any enhancements or the like. -700 Col
  3. Too fancy to drink water? Have an insane amount of wealth just waiting for be thrown away? Then visit your local alchemist today!

    Order a rare quality potion with 1 slot in Antidote... and 1 slot in  Paralyses Water! Finally, you can enjoy your water with the knowledge you wasted a bunch of money for no reason because you can afford it!

    Warning: Shirien and associated shops are not held responsible if you accidentally cause a glitch in the game and your character becomes permanently corrupt.

    1. Hakai


      Oooohh..... If only I had tons of money....

  4. Quick energy question!

    When I regenerate energy, is it at the start or end of a turn? Example if I use a 3 energy sword art: 3/5 [-3 +1] OR 2/5 [+1(wasted) -3]

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shirien


      Gotcha, thank you very much! Just wasn't sure about the 'when' for the regeneration, I got it now!

    3. Rain


      Huh... does that work with boss fights too? O.o I didn't add recovery yet cause I thought twas different.

    4. Takao


      Energy is recovered at the start of your post in all situations. If it was recovered at the end, you would essentially get a free -1 energy off your first sword art, which would be kinda weird.

  5. Shirien entered the shop only days after he had ordered two items from the clothing shop. He smiled and gave a wave to Ariel and Kimba. "Hello again!" He says happily while looking through her shop's inventory. He was in need of something to help him through the grind to tier 2, and didn't have much by way of money or materials. Still, her prices were fairly reasonable to him. "Hm... " He eyes one particular set of armor with mitigation before shaking his head and saying "I think I'd like a custom order again if that's alright!" He takes an order form and begins to fill it out. "Until my armor
  6. Shirien listened to Ariel's guess and nodded "Yup, struck the nail on the head. Only recently became one, actually. Still figuring it all out, no luck on appraisals... yet." He says with a shrug of his shoulders while letting her work despite the idle conversation. When she completed both items so quickly he smiled and happily stood himself up, taking them and examining the work. After placing them both into his inventory he equipped the clothing immediately and looked himself over, moving about to make sure it all fit right and with a grin he nodded and with the hood down said "It's great, th
  7. Shirien smiled happily at the exclamation that she was happy he came by and noted his bravery, a chuckle passing his lips as he was struck with a happy face while letting the lion cub sniff his hands. "Yeah~ I am so brave." He said with a slight snicker, having hidden in the safezones like a proper coward even if he did go high. If he stepped outside he would probably just explode on contact with a thorn he wagered. He certainly wasn't going this high for some time to come for combat reasons. Remembering his manners he says "Nice to meet you as well, I don't have any titles but I think y
  8. Shirien stepped into the shop with a jingle while wearing his usual maroon shirt with the hood up. His armor and equipment was either very basic or designed to appear so. In either scenario he didn't look very much like a threat as he moved up to the counter with a smile on his face. He pulled his hood back enough his face wasn't much being hidden. "Hello, I have some custom orders I'd like to get out of the way early." He had only just become a merchant and was willing to get some early-game boosts so to speak. After writing out his requests he set them on the counter along with the payment o
  9. ProfileUsername: ShirienReal name: Michael RosebushAge: 22Gender: MaleHeight: 5 feet 9 inchesAbout Shirien was always a bit on the quiet side growing up. He was the kid that people would speak freely around since they knew he wasn't a tattle, he would often times sneak around a person entirely while playing basketball if the person guarding them glanced away, and while being happy to hold a conversation was hardly ever the first person to try and speak up or start one. When he was little this was just normal for him, but when he reached his teenage years he started to get self conscious a
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